Part Forty Seven

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Life isn't a Soap Opera.
You might go to bed, have an amazing nights sleep in your Boyfriend's arms and open your eyes the next morning, feeling all lazy and content, but that doesn't mean life skips to a new scene.
My new episode of the series consisted of Kylie and Jade insisting Zander, Keegan, Brady, Codie, Hunter and I get our arse's to school.
We'd had an about as rowdy as at Home breakfast, then all scrambled to get organised for the day.
Jade emptied the shelf of her cupboard that contained 'school supplies' for Zander and shared the contents among six piles.
"I'll go shopping today!"
Zander's Mum dismissed when Keegan insisted that he would just buy us food.
"Get moving you lot!"
Kylie insisted, clapping her hands.
Hunter and Codie scrambled to pick up their backpacks, stuffing their lunch box's into them.
I turned to Zander at the feel of his hand on my lower back.
He had his backpack slung over one shoulder and mine dangling off his other.
I couldn't help but smile just slightly.
God I love this Boy...
"You ready?"
He asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"Maybe Bailey, Codie and Hunter should just stay behind."
Keegan voiced, his gaze flickering from My face to Codie's and then to Hunter's.
I frowned at my next older Brother.
What the?
"Hey! Why don't I get a mention?"
Brady protested.
Keegan turned to Zander and the pair shared a grim glance.
"You're all going to school!"
Kylie insisted, ushering us out of the Kitchen and Dining area.
"Move it!"
With a defeated sigh, Keegan turned on his heel and led the way towards the front door.
"What the heck was that about?"
I whispered, gripping Zander's hand.
His torn expression made it clear that he was unsure whether to fill Me in or not.
He glanced down at Me and leaned down to place a sweet kiss on my forehead.
"Nothin' to worry about."
He denied.
Just maybe half a dozen steps away from Keegan's Hilux, I slammed on my brakes.
Frowning, Zander turned around to face Me, both our backpacks hanging from his shoulders still.
My chest felt uncomfortably tight.
"You're lying."
I whispered, not really trusting my voice.
Zander shrugged our backpacks off, letting them hit the ground with a thud.
He closed the space between us and cupped my face between his hands, tipping my head back so we could look into each other's eyes.
"I don't want to call it lying, coz I don't think it is. But I see your point and I want you to understand mine."
Zander told Me.
My heartbeat picking up its pace, I nodded quickly, even though I felt a little strain in my neck from the angle, informing him I'd listen.
"None of us left the house last night."
Zander explained, gently brushing some stray strands of my fringe back from my eyes.
Where the heck was he going with this?
A look of irritation came over Zander's face and he glared at something over my head.
"Babe what's wrong?"
I urged, sliding my hands around his back.
He turned his gaze back down to my face, his expression softening significantly.
"People are gonna be talkin' about what happened at your house yesterday."
It felt like somebody punched my heart.
I dropped my gaze down to Zander's chest, biting into my lower lip.
Zander wrapped his arms around my shoulders, drawing Me into his body.
"That's why Keegan suggested You, Codie and Hunter stay home. He know's what's about to happen and like Me, he wants to protect you from it."

I turned around at the feel of Keegan snagging my wrist.
I asked, doing my best to smile.
Keegan looked behind Me, to the looming school grounds, then back down to my face.
"We still have time to ditch."
He insisted.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sure it's not going to be that bad."
Keegan suddenly looked very irritated.
"It is going to be that bad!"
He threw a hand in the direction of the School.
"You've never been here when this shit's happened Bailey!"
It was like he'd kicked Me in the shin's.
Although some part of Me knew he was only trying to protect Me, I still couldn't help but feel hurt.
Tear's pricked at the back's of my eyes.
I muttered and turned on my heel to head into school.
Now, I really didn't want to be here.
Keegan grabbed my arm and pulled Me back around.
"That didn't come out how I meant it to!"
He insisted.
"Then what did you mean Keegan?"
I questioned, my throat thick.
"Why weren't you and Brady in the list to stay home? Codie, Hunter and I too weak?"
Keegan's blue eyes were a troubled whirlwind as he sifted through his thoughts, no doubt truth not to 'offend Me' again.
"That's not what He means Babe and you know it."
Zander spoke softly as his hands came to gently rest on my hips from behind Me.
Keegan turned his gaze over my head to his best friend, then back down to my face.
"Brady will punch people for the shit they say, even if it lands him in detention or suspended."
Keegan stated.
"He's learned that's the answer."
My next older Brother folded his arms across his chest.
"I'm not a weak little five year old, Keegan!"
I growled, more than irritated.
"You know what?"
Keegan threw his hands into the air, looking more than fed up.
"I'm about to face the bullshit the gossip hungry idiots of Reef Bay want to dribble their mouth about. I don't need this shit from you."
My Brother stepped around Zander and I and headed for the school grounds.
I turned around to face Zander, tears pricking at my eyes.
He already had his phone out, tapping quickly at the screen.
A moment later he put his mobile to his ear and waited as the rings commenced.
"Keegan's walkin' in. I have to be with Bailey right now so don't make him be alone."
He said into the phone, not even giving the person a greeting.
He said after a few moments and pulled the phone from his ear.

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