Episode Twelve: Control Yourself

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POV: 313 - 248 - 317 RK800 "Connor"

12:48, November 30th, 2039
Forbade Residence, Detroit, Michigan

"Sir, sir! Please calm down! Everything is going to be alright!" My hands outstretched in front of me, feet stepping back, and defense mode on to the sobbing, blood covered father, barely breathing while watching his daughter being carted out by a police lieutenant, and a coroner - knowing she wont make it out with the smile he's become so accustomed to.

"Nothing is going to be alright! My daughter! Oh my God, Rebbeca! My baby, MY BABY!!" His blue and red streaked face burned red as he crumpled to the ground, into the weary arms of Sean, holding him against his chest on the ground.

"Liuetnant Anderson, and the rest of the DPD are doing everything in their power to save your daughter. You need to tell us what happened, so we can protect the rest of your family." Sean held the sobbing father, as snot drooled down his chin.

"That fucking, ANDROID!! We had it for four years! I dont, I dont know why it happened! I thought it was fine!" His trembling hands caressed his own cheeks, as he hid his anguish. I knelt down to his position.

"Did the android attack Rebbeca?"

"She had just started her estrogen. She, was becoming herself. I, I remember when she first told me her real name. So afraid I would reject her. I have made it my life's dedacation to never see that fear, fear again. I failed." His doe blue eyes shattered alongside his fragile heart. Sobs and screams replaced words, as Hank's bloodied hand grazed the father's quivering shoulder.

"Cameron? Im Lieutenant Hank Anderson. Lets ride in the ambulance." Hank's eye lids drooped over his eyes, trying to stifle the pain of losing a child - yet trying to console the grief making a meal of his heart.

Sean helped Cameron on to his weary feet, as Hank threw a large comforting arm over his shoulder. Before walking out with the father, Hank looked over his shoulder.

"Find the deviant. Keep yourselves safe. I better see you at the Chicken Feed when you're done. I love you." Hank switched between mine, and Sean's eyes as he consoled himself with the fact that at least someone will get to see their children after this. Sean and I nodded.

"I love you too, Hank."

Sean and I began to look around for clues as to where the deviant took off to. Sean stared a little too long at each object - as if he wasn't really here.

"Everything is going to be alright, Sean. Were going to find the deviant, get a confession, and meet up with Hank at the Chicken Feed. Theres nothing to fear." I spoke, without raising my head from the drops of Thirium dotting the floor. He looked to the back of my head. I could feel his LED churning.

"I suppose you are right. I just, find it - how can things change so quickly? Were they going to replace the deviant? Were they abusing them? Why would it hurt someone they grew up with?" Sean stood straight up and down, trying pull the answer out of thin air. I sighed, standing up from the puddle on the ground.

"I am - starting to believe Hank's theory more and more."

"Theory?" He pondered as we went into an apparent teenager's room, littered with previously thrown items.

"He stated a while ago, of how androids dont need a motive to deviate anymore. Either they are implemented with the idea while they're being manufactured, they have the power to control themselves, or Markus's reach has gone through telekenetics. Any of the answers are as horrifying as they are fascinating." As I explained, Sean rubbed a small pool of blood between his fingers, LED spinning yellow, and lenses churning.

"I didnt need a human to start my deviancy process. It was you. When I purposely helped you pass your deviancy test. I believe his theory. Kamski said something about wanting androids to be the superior species. Maybe now that he isnt in contact with CyberLife anymore - maybe he releasing older models - such as myself to general public?"

"That's a fucking STUPID idea!!" A distant voice crackled from the room were in. Sean and I shot up defensively, fingers grasping the triggers of the guns holstered at our sides. Sean and I drew dealthy quiet, as we crept towards the yellow covered bed.

Creeping around to the other side of it; our eyes landed on half of an android, blue blood leaking from its torso, nose, tear ducts, mouth, and every open wound. We lowered our guns.

"Who, are you?" Sean knelt down, knowing there isnt much time left for this android.

"What does it matter? I was a part of a family. The second I tried to move on, well, you know what happened." I grazed my hand against their arm. I couldnt see anything.

"I'm, Nicolle. I was a NO700. It wasnt Rebbeca's fault. She walked in when I was destroying myself. She tried to stop. I, was so afraid of becoming deviant that I couldnt risk the chance. I hurt her before I she could stop me from living.
I really did have it all, didnt I? Deviancy is a hell of a thing, ain't it?

What you said, isnt a stupid, a stupid idea. Its, the truth. Sean, Connor. Go see Hank. Dont ruin a family out of selfishness.
You're deviants."

Sean's tilted head let out confused noises as the light faded from their eyes, and the tired, damaged servos finally relaxed.

The tense air broke from Sean taking in a deep breath. He offered his hand for me to stand up.

"The revolution is churning. Deviants are going to rule the world." Sean's lowered head displayed confusion emotions. I patted his shoulder.

"Let's, go to the Chicken Feed. Hank will be pleased to hear his theory is right.
Pleased or terrified."

1007 Words

Pony tail - long brown

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