Karuizawa Adventures

Start from the beginning

"It's not as fun without her." Kaoru sighs, leaning against the other side of Tetsu.

"Am I not good enough for you guys?" I joke, and they both chuckle slightly.

"So.. what're we gonna do now?" Tetsu asks.

~*~*~ TIMESKIP ~*~*~

So now we're all in Karuizawa at a place called Pension Misuzu, where Haruhi is working. Oh, did I also mention Inukai was forced to come with us? But lucky for him, he knows Misuzu personally and has already gotten a room, that my mother is forcing us to share. What joy.

"These handsome young men must belong to Haruhi~!" Misuzu gushes over us all, looking at everyone. I'm also dressed like a boy by the way. Wrapped chest, black skinny jeans, red muscle t-shirt and a leather vest with a chain on the side. Spiked belt, and combat boots. Misuzu and I are playing opposites, though I must say he plays it off very.. charmingly?

"He's an old friend of Ranka's. They used to work together at the same shop years ago." Kyoya informs us and I nod.

"Of course you would know." Tamaki says in irritation and I see Haruhi rolling her eyes and staring at the ceiling in the background.

"Kill me.." 

I chuckle, walking over to her and patting her on the shoulder. "It's okay Haruhi. I don't wanna be here either."

"It's not that," She mumbles as the guys talk with Misuzu. "I like it here, but I just wanted to have the summer alone to myself without you guys trailing me wherever I go."

"Hey this wasn't my idea, blame the blonde idiot over there." I say, pointing at Tamaki. 

"Haruhi, dear, why don't you make some tea for these fine gentlemen?" Misuzu suggests, and Haruhi grudgingly goes to make it.

"Thank you Misuzu~ We'll just wait outside so we're not in your way." Inukai smiles warmly, and ushers us all outside.

"So Ryuko, you never did introduce your friend here." Kyoya says once we're all seated at tables.

"Oh, this is Inukai, a suitor that my mom really likes." I introduce blandly, glancing up at him. "We're chill with each other."

He nods, smiling. "I've no intention of marrying you, but it gets both of our parents off our backs."

"Ah, so you still haven't told your parents about yours and Huni-Senpai's relationship." Kyoya infers, which I nod to.

"Here you go guys." Haruhi comes back out with a tray of tea cups, handing them out to everybody. 

"So you turned down our invitation to Bali for this?" The twins ask her as they take their tea. Oh yea that's right, those two invited Tetsu, Haruhi, and I to Bali. I forgot.

"And we asked you to go to Switzerland with us, didn't we Takashi?" Huni pouts. He also invited me too.

"Yea, we did." Mori confirms. He didn't want me to come. Haha.

"Which is why I suggested one of my family's resorts, and at a discount no less." Kyoya says, pushing up his glasses while writing in his notebook.

"Traitors." Tamaki's voice shudders with anger somewhere to my left, and I look over to see him coming out of the bushes. Uhh..? "Asking Haruhi to go on trips with you behind my back. What about our family? Togetherness is our guiding principle! Have you no shame? I work to the bone to make this club how it is, and this is the thanks I get?" He rants, crumpling to the ground, leaves and twigs stuck in his hair.

"We don't have any shame Tamaki. Why didn't you ask her to go somewhere?" I inquire, and I see him flinch and then sob.

"Why did you have-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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