"Accidental" Kisses!

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"You don't even need glasses, why're you wearing them?" Kaoru asks as, him, Hikaru, Kotetsu, and I walk to class.

"Because they make me look sexy, durh." I say it likes it's obvious. Today I was wearing a button up white shirt with a black vest over it with a hood. My ripped black skinny jeans, with my spiked belt hanging off the side, and my combat boots. "I mean look, they bring out the color of my eyes~" I say, taking the fake glasses off and biting the end of it seductively. Both gingers blush while looking at me, and Kotetsu smacks the back of my head as we get to class.

Whining I walk into the classroom, rubbing my head. My hair is now its full original color, dark orange. The black finally washed out. So now i'm a mini identical Kotetsu.  I sit at my desk, taking out my earbuds and a box of pocky. The twins lean on my desk on either side of me. I ignore them, putting my earbuds in and blasting my music.

Hikaru pulls out an earbud, while Kaoru does the same to the other, "So we were thinking-"

"Whatever it is no."

"But you didn't let us explain," The pout.

"Tono suggested-" Hikaru starts, "That you sing in the cl-" Kaoru tries to finish but I cut him off.

"I'm not singing for the host club. If the guests want Saito music, they can go buy CDs in stores." I respond, pushing them both away and putting my music back in. Sensei walks in, forcing the bakas to go back to their seats. Luckily, the teacher doesn't notice my music, so I drone out the entire class.. and lunch.. and classes after that.


"Go north go north, with the wings on your feet, go north with the wind where the three rivers meet. There's a clearing of sorts in the circle of trees, where the wild constellations shine 1, 2 and 3." I sing to myself as I walk down the north hallway. Humming the rest as I open the doors, all of the idiots look at me as I walk in.

"What." I growl out, annoyed that they're looking at me.

"What were you humming?" Huni asks as I walk over to my station, pulling out candy.

"A song doofus."

"What song?" He inquires, following me to the sofas. As he goes to take a piece of candy, I flip him over my shoulder.

"From a movie."

"Which movie?" The twins ask and I twitch in irritation.

"Stop asking questions or i'll-!"

"It's from Pete's Dragon. An American movie." Kotetsu explains, walking into the music room. I glower at him for cutting me off. 

"Places beautiful people, the doors are about to open!" Tamaki claps his hands as everyone, besides me, rushes to the doors. Ahh the Host King Doofus. His wise words of idiocy amuses so many. I chuckle to myself as the doors open and a bunch of girls flood into the room.

"Ryu-Kun you got glasses!" "Are they real?" "Eee! They look so hot~!" "Ryu-Kun let us take pictures!" 

I smirk as about 10-15 girls hoard around me. I notice Tamaki pouting and the twins sending me glares. I wrap my arms around two guests as they both pull out their phones. I give a cheeky smirk as we take selfies. Each girl got their picture with me, in some I was kissing their cheeks, or wearing the glasses on my head, biting the end of them, winking, I even nibbled a girls ear as she took the picture. Psh Kyoya should be thanking me. I've just gotten like 10 more new guests.

Surprisingly, all of my guests left about 10 minutes early, leaving me some free time. Munching on cookies, I walk around the room, observing other's hosting. Twins and their brotherly love, Tamaki and his cheesy pick up lines, Haruhi and her normalness, Huni and cake, and Mori as... Mori. And of course Kyoya slacking off with no guests. Shaking my head and smiling to myself I look over at my brother. Kyoya switched it to where he's only hosting one guest at a time to give it more of the yandere effect.

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