Chapter 9

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Kara's holiday party is in full swing, and she's trying her best to avoid being alone with Lena, lest she confesses. So far all her strategies have worked, Kenna and Eliza take up much of Kara's time, and lean's getting along great with Winn and James, everything's under control- for now. "Hey Kara, Alex is looking for more wine," Maggie says to Kara.
"I'll grab some from the kitchen," Kara's too distracted to notice Maggie's ploying  grin as she heads towards the kitchen. Lena's standing alone at the kitchen counter, glancing down at her phone as Kara enters.
"Hey Lena, what are you doing in here is everything okay?"
"Yeah sorry, I'm just checking in at work," Lena replied putting her phone away.
"You work too much," Kara says with a smile, as she grabs a bottle from the counter and moves to pull out some glasses.
"It may not look like it right this second, but I'm actually having a great time. Thanks for inviting me." Lena says smiling. Suddenly all Kara wants to do is kiss her, but instead she forces her attention into a reply, and not Lena's dark, beautiful lips.
"You're always invited," Kara says trying to hide her blush. The glass Kara had been holding falls to the floor with a crash, she had missed the countertop because she was too busy looking at Lena. "Oh no! Im still so clumsy sometimes!" Kara laughs, bending down to pick up the shards, and to hide her bright red face.
"Here let me help," lena says, reaching for Kara and the mess of glass.
"No, you'll cut yourself, I've got it- actually could you please take that bottle out to Alex?"

By the 31st Kara knows she's screwed. how is she supposed to sit through the entire evening with Lena being, her gorgeous self, and the only person in the room that Kara knows?
When they finally do arrive at the party, Kara thankfully, actually does know some people, and not just people, but other heroes- well their alter-egos at least.
Kara waves Diana Prince over, and Lena seems impressed.
"Kara, how have you been!" Diana says pulling her in for a hug, "Ms. Luthor, nice to see you again," she says with a friendly smile.
"Please call me Lena,"
After the most casual conversation possible with Bruce Wayne, Lena had to ask Kara just how she knows them all so well.
"Oh, I've done a tone of articles on them, and Clarke and Lois have so many connections," Kara explains, "oh! There's Maxwell Lord, I have a bone to pick with him. I'll be right back," Kara says before she can slip up, leaving Lena slightly bewildered. Lena has known these people for years, but things had always been strictly business, Kara seems to have this amazing ability to make everyone she meets instantly like everything about her.
Later on Kara's getting a bit bored, and Lena, in need of some fresh air herself, leads Kara to a secluded door and up the stairs behind it. The stairs let out to a rooftop with a beautiful view. Kara and Lena stand side by side at the railing for a few minutes, both afraid to say anything, just admiring the city. Finally Kara breaks, "Lena there's something I need to- well there's something I sort of figured out recently..."
"I think I know what you're talking about, because there's something I wanted to talk to you about too.." Lena sounds nervous and Kara doesn't know if that's a good or bad sign. Lena takes a breath before continuing, "let's just say it at the same time."
"I like you"
"I'm dating James"
"What??" They're both confused but Kara suddenly feels sick.
"Yeah your my best friend! I like you so much, I'll always support you!" Kara rambles, trying to save herself.
"You're the best, I don't know why I was so worried! And I know I should've talked to you sooner.."
"It's okay I understand," she understood all too well how difficult it could be to reveal your feelings for someone, and just how much worse could be if you waited too long. A few moments pass, both women starting back out into the city, "Does he make you happy?" Kara asks gently.
"He does," Lena says, a smile slowly spreading across her face.
"Good," Kara says, fighting to keep her voice even, "I mean he's my friend too, and I love him, but if he ever hurts you... he'll be sorry, and I'll be on your side."
"Thank you Kara. I don't need protecting, but I always want you on my side." She hugs Kara, but Kara just feels numb, still in a state of disbelief.
"I should probably be getting home soon," Kara says as she pulls away.
"But it's not even midnight yet!" Lena protests, pulling out her phone to check the time, I reads 12:13am. The pit in Kara's stomach grows, what a way to start the year.
"Happy New Year," Lena says gently, "sorry we missed it."
"Not as sorry as I am," Kara says under her breath.
"What was that?"
"Let's go inside," Kara said with a forced smile, linking her arm through Lena's, mixed feelings of hurt and warmth coursed through her at the contact. It's not her fault, she thinks to herself, she didn't know.
As they're walking back downstairs Kara asks, "how long have you two been going out?"
"Well he just asked me out officially last week, but we've been hanging out and talking pretty much since you introduced us." Lena lights up, just talking about him, and though Kara's glad to see her friend so happy, she only wishes that she had been the cause of that happiness.
"Wow really? That's great!" Kara was trying to sound happy for her friend, and she was, she had no right to be hurt if Lena was happy. "Oh I've really got to get going," Kara said pulling out her phone, checking the time again.
"I'll come with you," Lena insisted.
"No, no. You stay enjoy the rest of the party, besides I'll be a lot quicker on my own." Kara said with a wink.
"Of course how could I forget," Lena says with a laugh, "I'll see you later, happy new year!"
"Happy new year," Kara echoed with a small smile before she turned towards the exit.

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