Chapter 24

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"Kenna, wake up baby," Kara strokes her daughters hair trying to wake her up gently. Little blue eyes flutter open and Kara's heart swells a little at the sight. "Good morning honey," she whispers as she kisses Kenna's forehead.
"Morning mommy." Kenna giggles and springs out of bed. They eat breakfast, and then Kara attempts the near impossible task that is getting Kenna ready for daycare.
"Okay time to get dressed, we've gotta go soon." Kara says as she wipes syrup off Kenna's face.
"Noo! I don't wanna."
"Oh come on, you love daycare. You get to play with so many fun toys, and see all your friends." Kenna just pouts at that.
"Can we have a movie tonight? Or do you have to work again?" Kara sighs, and it breaks her heart, but she has to say, "I don't know kenna, I'll try to be home, but you know mommy has to help people whenever they need it."
Like a typical kid Kenna isn't upset for long, and has already moved on to convincing her mom to let her wear a tutu to daycare again.
"Do you think there's any chance supergirl could take a vacation for a few days anytime soon?" Kara asks her sister at the D.E.O later that day.
"Well, we can't exactly schedule the alien attacks... but you know that. What's this about?"
"It's just hard to balance everything. It's getting to Kenna, and me too honestly." She finally voices what's been on her mind for a while now, and it's a small relief just doing that.
"I know it's a lot but you have lots of people who will help you whenever you need it." Alex reassures her. "You do still love it, don't you? Being a hero?"
"Of course I do, but I signed up to be Supergirl before I was a mom." Alex just nods and gives her sister a reassuring squeeze, she knows she can't understand everything Kara's going through, but she'll always be there for her sister.
"I think a visit with Clark might help me sort some things out, it's been too long since I've seen him and Lois anyways."
Kara is able to pick Kenna up from daycare herself tonight, and on time too. She lets Kenna pick out the movie and help make popcorn after dinner. Kara brings up visiting Clark as the popcorn pops. "Hey Ken, you remember your uncle Clark and aunt Lois?"
"Yes! Uncle Clark makes me fly and Aunt Lois has the best stories!" Kara smiles as she remembers how her cousin would hoist Kenna in the air above his head to make her 'fly'. Her stomach twists as she's reminded that Kenna may be able to fly on her own one day. Since she found out she was pregnant Kara's been praying that her baby could have a normal, easy, life. Well, at least as normal as having Supergirl for a mom could allow.
"Well how would you like to go visit them with me in a few weeks? Like on a mini vacation?" She shakes off her fears, focusing instead on the happy kid she has right now.
Kenna talks through nearly the whole movie about all the things they'll do on their trip, and Kara makes a mental note to let Kenna see her Aunt and Uncle more often.
Latter as they're getting ready for bed, Kenna picks one of Lena's animal books to read. "Mommy, when can we see Lee again?"
"Well hopefully soon, we'll have to ask her." Kara hesitates a second before adding, "she might be around more often now too."
Kenna gets tucked in and is asleep before the book is finished.
Kara heads back to her own room and dials Lena's number.
"Hey, zrhueiao. How how have you been?" Lena's been learning Kryptonese, and Kara loves the way her language sounds coming from Lena's lips.
"Honestly? I've been a little stressed lately."
"Oh? What's up? Is everything okay?"
"Ugh yeah, I'm just struggling to find a good work - life balance."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really, not right now. I talked to Alex earlier and I think I'm going to see Clark in a few weeks. So let's just talk about something else. How are you?"
"I'm just wrapping up our latest project at work, so things should slow down a bit soon." Kara hums an acknowledgment, and Lena continues, "Other than that I've just been missing spending time with you."
"Aw your such a sap." Kara teases. "I've missed you too," she admits. "You know who else misses you? Kenna. We had to read the book you gave her tonight, and she's been asking when you're coming over again."
"She's so sweet, tell her we'll hangout again soon."
"Yeah, I told her you might be around more often now, but I haven't told her that we're dating, because I don't think she even knows what that means yet." They both laugh a little at that.
"That's okay, we've got plenty of time to ease her into it."
"I don't think she'll take it too hard, you're one of her favourite people." Kara can almost hear Lena's smile through the phone. "You know, you're my favourite too."
"Kara, you're gonna make me cry." Lena laughs, but her voice is a little thick with emotion. She's not used to being anyone's favourite.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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