Chapter 6

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One day Kara asks Lena if Kenna can stay with her for a bit because she has an emergency. It's a Supergirl emergency, but she still hasn't told Lena about that yet. Lena agrees, so they spend the day at the office together just like last time. Then it starts getting late and Lena hasn't herd from Kara so she's getting worried. Lena turns on the news, trying to distract herself, 'Kara will be here any minute. It's probably just trafic.' She tells herself. The news is showing a horrific fight that Supergirl was in, and the news anchor is saying that her condition and whereabouts are still unknown. That's when it finally clicks for Lena. The sudden disappearances, the immense appetite, and the glasses. Those goddamed glasses! The only thing hiding the true identity of Supergirl was a pair of glasses and a button down, and Lena still managed to miss the signs.
Lena snaps out of her new revelation, suddenly remembering Kenna.
"Hey your mom is going to be late tonight. how would you like to have a sleepover at my house?" Kenna looks a little hesitant but then Lena's asking, "Do you like cookies?" Kenna's eyes light up and she just nods. "Cause We can make some when we get to my house if you want." So they leave the office and make a few stops on the way home. They stop by Kara's first to get some of Kenna's things.
"Okay do you want to bring any toys or anything? I don't really have any toys at my house." Lena says gently. "You can bring your favourite game if you have one too." Lena leaves a note for Kara on the counter just in case.
I have McKenna with me, you didn't come home. I saw the news. Kenna is fine, we just came to pick up a few things. We're having a sleepover. I called Maggie and told her already, Alex didn't answer. Please call me when you get this. Or come to my place/work I'll keep Kenna with me until then.
She signs the date and time before they leave. just in case.
"Okay kid ready to go?"

"What do you want to have for supper?" Lena asks.
Kenna just shrugs her shoulders "I don't know."
"Hmm... what about pizza? Do you like that?"
"Pizza!" McKenna exclaimed.
"Pizza it is." Lena chuckled and started ordering. While they waited for the pizza, they took out the last batch of cookies, and Lena started chopping up some vegetables.
"What are those?" Kenna asked.
"They're vegetables... you know what those are right?" Lena said concerned, she knew Kara wasn't big on vegetables but surely she made her kid eat them.
"Yes i know them. I mean why are you cutting it now?"
"Ohh," Lena said relived, "we're gonna eat them with our pizza."
"Mommy doesn't make me eat them."
"That's because your mommy doesn't like them very much either. Buut if you want to have some cookies later.. you have to eat at least a few of them okay?"
After super, and a round of games that Lena sorely lost, she puts Kenna to bed in one of the guest rooms.
"Where's mommy?" Kenna asks as Lena's tucking her in. Lena has to hold back tears, because she doesn't want to lie, but she can't know the truth, not until there's some more news.
"Uh, your mommy had an emergency at work," not a total lie, "she had to work on a story out of town... she wanted you to stay here because she was going to be really late." A necessary  lie that Lena hated all the same.
When Kenna was finally asleep, Lena turned on the news a again, hoping for some more positive information this time. When the same story ran through again, without any updates on Supergirl Lena tried calling Alex again. When she didn't pick up, the fear started creeping in. 'Oh my god she's dead, if it could take her down that easily surely it would kill her.' She tried Alex again before those thoughts could get the better of her. Alex finally picked up after the second time.
"Sorry Lena I can't talk right-"
"Where is she? What happened to her?" Lena demanded before Alex could even finish.
"I don't- what are you talking about?" Alex stuttered.
"I saw the news. I know."
"Shit." Alex sighed.
"I have Kenna with me, she's fine, I told her Kara was on a work trip." Lena explained.
"Kenna, oh my god. Kara's gonna kill me, I didn't even think about her." Alex groaned.
"It's okay Kara dropped her off this morning and I told Maggie I'd look after her."
"Thank god. Kara will be fine, she's recovering right now, that bastard knocked her out good." Alex sighed.
"Where is she? The hospital?"
"Uhh well, kinda... but like a top secret government hospital for aliens and superheroes that you're going to pretend you know nothing about."
"Got it agent Danvers." Lena said, relieved. "When is she coming home?"
"Whenever she wakes up, probably tomorrow." Alex replied hopefully.

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