Chapter 1

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Lena walked into her favourite restaurant, she was going to order some takeout for dinner. On her way up to the counter she saw Kara sitting at a table by herself. Lena walked over to say hello. "Hey Kara!"
"Lena hi!" Lena was just about to ask if she was here alone when a little blonde head popped up from underneath the table.
'Kara has a kid?!' Lena thought to herself. "Oh, who's this?" She asked aloud.
"This is McKenna, Kenna this is my friend Lena."
"Hi McKenna." Lena waved at the little girl.
"Hi Lee." The little girl said smiling. She looked so much like Kara, there was no way she wasn't hers.
Kara gave Lena an apologetic look, but Lena just smiled.
"So are you here by yourself?" Kara asked.
"Yeah. I was just going to order some takeout." Lena replied.
"Ohh well you should sit with us!"
"Ohh no. Really I wouldn't want to intrude." Lena said politely.
"Lee, please stay!" Kenna said.
"C'mmon you can't say no to that!"
"Okay, ill stay." Lena gave in and sat down. Nobody could say no to two identical sets of the cutest puppy dog eyes in the world. Kara and Lena were catching up on each other's lives. it had been a while since they'd seen each other outside of work, and Lena suspected it had something to do with the adorable little blonde who was currently scribbling all over her kids menu.
"Mommy I'm hungry." Kenna sighed not looking up from her crayons.
"I know baby, your food will be here soon." Kara said smoothing a hand over Kenna's little blond curls. Lena knew then that her suspicions were correct, but it still left her wondering why Kara hadn't told her. As if in answer Kara looked up at Lena and mouthed, "I'll explain latter."  Lena just nodded and gave Kara an understanding smile.
Their food finally came, and they finished their dinner talking and laughing. Kenna ate nearly as much as Kara did, and somehow Lena wasn't surprised. When it was finally time to leave Kara invited Lena back to her place for coffee.
When they got there Kara asked, "Would you be able to start the coffee while I put Kenna to bed, it'll only take a few minutes."
"No problem." Lena said with a smile. Kara pointed her towards the coffee machine and took Kenna into the bathroom. Lena could hear the tap turn on in the bathroom followed by an "Okay now, brush!" From Kara and a happy giggle from Kenna. Lena smiled to herself as she turned the coffee on. A few minutes later the two girls came out of the bathroom and Kara stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Okay Kenna say goodnight to Lena."
"Night Lee!" Kenna said with a smile.
"Goodnight Kenna." Lena said back with a smile of her own. Kara steered Kenna towards her room.
"Hmm what story do you want tonight?" Lena heard Kara ask.
"This one!" Kenna said excitedly. "Wait! Mommy can Lena read me the story?" Lena was shocked at that, but also touched.
"I don't know Kenna..." Kara sighed.
"Please Mommy?" Kenna begged.
"Okay but you have to go ask her." Kara gave in. Then Lena heard little feet running and a door opening. "Lee?" Kenna called.
"Yeah Kenna?" Lena answered as she turned around. Kenna held out the book she was holding towards Lena.
"What's this?" Lena asked innocently. "You're giving me your book?"
"No!" Kenna said with a laugh.
"Then what's it for?"
"Can you read it to me?" Kenna asked. "Please."
"Ohh, of course I will." Lena said smiling. She followed Kenna back to her room, and waited until she was all tucked in before she began reading. By the time Lena was finished Kenna was asleep.
"Thank you." Kara whispered to Lena as they left the room.
"She's a sweet kid." Lena replied. "A lot like her mom."
"Yeah... about that.." Kara said nervously, and busied herself with the coffee.
"Kara you don't have to explain if you don't want to." Lena said gently.
"No I do. I want to." Kara paused listening to make sure Kenna was asleep. Kara sat down on the couch and Lena followed. "I was in a relationship a few years ago," Kara started. "It wasn't that serious and my heart was never fully in it. But then I found out I was pregnant and before I could tell him, he was in an accident."
"Ohh Kara."
"He wouldn't've stuck around anyway, I wouldn't've wanted him if he did. It was just one more shock. So I moved closer to my sister, and I didn't tell many people about her. Not because I was ashamed, but because I wanted to keep her safe." Kara was slipping a little, she wanted to keep Kenna safe from the Supergirl side of her, But it was Lena holding her, and she was too emotional to care.

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