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"Babe, I'm kinda nervous," Shawn spoke as he put the car in park outside your sister's house.

"Shawn, don't be. He's gonna love you," you reassured.

"But babe, he's like, he's like the fucking light of your life. You're his Godmother," he spoke shakily, wiping his palms on his jeans.

"And you're his cool Uncle Shawn," you reassured, tapping his nose before hopping out of the Jeep.

A few hours had passed and Matthew was following Shawn everywhere, practically attached to his hip. Shawn was picking him up and joking around, and they even played a game of hide-and-seek while all the other adults mingled.

"How are my nephews?" you teased as you walked into Matthew's space-themed bedroom, finding the two of them sitting on the floor assembling a LEGO spaceship.

"We're good," Shawn giggled, reaching up to give your thigh a squeeze. "Oh, by the way, Matthew and I decided it's time we have a baby," Shawn said, looking at you with a completely straight face.

"What?" you asked, unsure if you'd heard him correctly.

"Me, you, babytime," was all he said, resuming the LEGO assembly as Matthew gave out a little giggle.

"Boys," you shook your head, walking out of the room and going back down to the kitchen. A few minutes had passed when your phone buzzed, displaying a text from Shawn.

Shawn: I'm not kidding. Be ready for some hardcore lovemaking because I'm dead serious

You: You're insane. Wanna get to it?

Shawn: Down in 5, start the car

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