Boyfriend Chair

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"Come on babe, I'll be quick," you reassured, latching onto your boyfriend's hand and pulling him into Victoria's Secret.

He immediately located the 'Boyfriend Chair' and had a seat, scrolling through Twitter as you browsed their new lace sets.

"Quick?" he mocked, looking up from his phone to see you with five different lingerie getups over your arm.

"Shawn, really?" you shook your head, sauntering over to him in the pink seat. "I'm just gonna go try 'em on," you paused, "unless you, you maybe wanna come in?"

A smirk found his lips as he sprung to his feet, pocketing his iPhone and following you to the fitting room.

"Five," you muttered to the employee as she unlocked a fitting room for you and raised an eyebrow at the large human puppy that was hot on your heels. "Need a second opinion," you smiled through pursed lips, pulling him into the stall and locking the door. He sat on the little stool with impatient eyes, softly running his fingers over the lace fabric draped over the hangers.

You stripped down to nothing but your thong as you pulled the red bra and panties from the hook, slipping into both and adjusting everything in the mirror. Shawn broke into a grin and leaned forward in the seat, reaching out to toy with the hem of the panties.

"So?" you asked, doing a little spin. He nodded with a lick of his lips, adjusting his jeans around his crotch. You shook your head with a laugh, slipping the set off and handing it to Shawn.

He nodded profusely with hungry eyes at everything you tried on, even the things you weren't particularly fond of.

His arms were slung over your shoulders in the lineup, hips swaying with the soft music playing through the speakers before you were called forward by the cashier.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered in your ear, placing a soft kiss on your temple. The compliments hadn't stopped since you'd left the change room.

"Sorry this is taking so long," you muttered, wigging your bum against his hips. He sighed in your ear, pushing his crotch against your ass.

"Worth it, but we're done shopping for the day."

"What?" you asked, bummed that you wouldn't be able to browse any longer.

"Babe, you can't just model lingerie for me and not expect to go home straight after," he chuckled, pulling your back tighter against his chest.

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