The Greatest Birthday

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Even though you weren't from Pickering, all your friends were. It all started in your first year of university, when Ian followed you on Instagram and was exposed to your hilarious captions, and soon the rest of the crew followed you too. It came as a shock when one night you were nose-deep in the books and you got a DM from Brian, asking if you wanted to meet up with the group.

Since then, you, Matt, Ian, Brian and Shawn have been best buds.

Hanging out for the first time was kind of awkward. You knew who Shawn Mendes was because you'd been crushing on him from behind your computer screen since Something Big was released back in tenth grade. Meeting him was nerve-wracking, but you reminded yourself that he's just a regular guy with regular friends who wants to have a regular time.

Shawn spent a lot of time away, but everyone else was usually around. You took to GO train up to Trent to party with the boys (r buzzin), and whenever Shawn was home, you usually went out for drinks or hung out at his condo.

It was different when Shawn was home, though. From the beginning, you had it bad. Those chocolate eyes and soft curls and broad shoulders and warm smile always killed you inside, and it didn't help that he was quite the flirt. He picked on you, but complimented you just as often. He also always had to make contact with you, whether it was touching your arm at the beginning of a conversation or placing your feet in his lap when you were all chilling on the couch. His touch was fire on your skin, and everyone could feel it. Even your friends.

They poked fun when Shawn was away, asking if you missed your husband, or if the sex was any good, or bragging because one of them had heard from him that day. Of course there was nothing actually going on between you and Shawn—they were just trying to rile you up.

It wasn't long until your birthday rolled around, and Shawn was away on tour. You loved the rest of your friends, but it was almost like the one person you actually wanted to see today wouldn't be in attendance.

You were having the guys over at your apartment for the evening to celebrate, so you spent all day cleaning up and getting everything all laid out.

It was late morning when the text came through.

Shawn: "Happy Birthday Sweetheart! How are you?!"

You: "Aha, thanks Shawn! I'm good"

Shawn: ":("

You: "What??"

Shawn: "Y/N, it's your birthday. You're supposed to be fucking great. Let me know when it's great, ok?"

You: "Okay, Shawn, will do. When are you coming back to Toronto?"

No response.

Around noon, you heard a knock at the door.

"Delivery for a Miss Y/L/N!"

You were greeted with a flower shop employee holding a massive bouquet of red roses. In it was a tag that read, "Happy Birthday! Love, Shawn xx"

Your eyes pooled with tears as your heart swelled. You thanked the delivery man and put your flowers in some water, quickly texting Shawn.

You: "Okay, that was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."

Shawn: "Knew you'd like them. Almost as lovely as you. Anything else you want for your special day?"

And that just about did it for you. If you weren't sure of your love for Shawn up until this point, you sure as hell were now. After all this time, it'd always been him.

There was only one way to respond to his message.

You: "You."

As soon as you sent it, you knew you'd fucked up. You were going to confuse the hell out of him, maybe scare him, and potentially ruin your friendship. Good one, Y/N.

Getting back to cleaning and mentally kicking yourself repeatedly, you lost track of time. Five hours had passed and the guys would be here any minute. You quickly threw on an outfit and tousled your loose curls, coating your lashes in some mascara.

A knock at the door caused you to jump but quickly relax, realizing it was just Ian, Matt, and Brian.

"Come in!" you shouted from your washroom. They usually let themselves in anyway.

The door opened and you heard footsteps coming toward the washroom, which was weird. Usually they begin by raiding the fridge.

"Please tell me you were serious. Please." It was Shawn's voice. You turned to look at the source, and it was him. He was here and standing in the doorway, eyes puffy with fatigue.

"Shawn? Aren't you supposed to be away? What are you doing here?" you asked, throwing yourself into his arms as the tears started flowing.

"Were you serious? Do you want me?" he asked in a desperate tone.

"I-I, I mean, yeah. Yes Shawn. I'm in fucking love with you. I've been in love with you since the day we met and I'm tired of pretending. I'm sorry." you apologized, trying to wipe away your tears as they fell.

He took a step closer, cupping your face with his right hand. "Oh my god. Sweetheart, I'm so in love with you. I just didn't want to confuse your heart while I've been away. I got the first plane here because I just had to tell you. I love you. So much."

And just like that, he leaned in, kissing you with everything he had. His whole body encapsulated yours, kissing you like you'd never be kissed again. His lips were soft and sweet, fitting against yours perfectly. Your hands found his middle as his were in your hair, pulling you closer to him.

He pulled away, resting his forehead on yours.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. Happy Birthday, Y/N. And, by the way, I love you and you're totally mine now." he said, eyes closed and absolutely beaming.

"It's always been you, Shawn. I love you." you said, once again pressing your lips to his.

It was then that the eruption of cheers and clapping came from the doorway, where your three friends had just witnessed the entire thing.

"Finally!" Brian shouted, earning a giggle from both Shawn and yourself.

It was so good. No, it was great.

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