CRDL Trouble

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We were all sitting at lunch, Ruby was giving Blake the cold shoulder.
Me: so Julia, how long have you been singing for?
Julia: a few years, I learned that my semblance is my voice, my singing can emit an aura around me to keep away enemies
Me: that's cool
?????: ow!
I turned around to see Cardin Winchester pulling on Velvet's ear.
Me: alright voting time, what do you guys want to see, we have the Annihilated Bear, the man crab, Yasei, and COTN
Yang: what's "COTN"
Me: Creature Of The Night, it was the bat I was last night, it's said like "cotton"
Yang: Yasei
Ruby: Griffin
Me: that'll destroy the school Ruby
Ruby: aw.....COTN
Julia: I do want to see a COTN attack
Weiss: Yasei
Pyrrha: Man crab
Ren: Annihilated Bear
Jaune: Annihilated Bear
Me: Nora, you're the tie breaker
Nora: what about Blake?
Me: we don't care what she thinks
Ruby: damn straight
Everyone at the table looked at Ruby in disbelief
Me: I think you might be hanging around me too much
Nora: how about.....Yasei
Me: right on
I got up and walked over to Cardin
Me: hey
Cardin: what do you want?
He stood up and was looking right in my eye. want to see something cool
Cardin: um
3rd POV
Y/N quickly transformed into the Yasei and roared. He pounced up and big down on Cardin's wrist, shaking it like a predator ripping the flesh off prey.
Cardin: AAAAGH!
His teammates started slashing at Y/N, but he wasn't letting go, every hit made his bite harder and harder. Yang pulled out her scroll and began recording it. One of them put their weapon to Y/N's head, but was hit away with a music note. Julia held her guitar and aimed it at the team.
Julia: Cardin did this to himself
Cardin was then brought to the ground and dragged across the floor, leaving a skinny streak of blood on the floor. The doors slammed open and Glynda walked in with Oobleck and Port. Glynda went behind Y/N and picked him up like a giant dog and tried to make him release.
Coco: woah, Goodwitch is strong
Oobleck and Port were trying to pry
Y/N's jaws open, but he wasn't budging.
Glynda: release Y/N!
Y/N bit down harder, making some blood squirt out. Ozpin then finally walked in and looked at Y/N.
Ozpin: let go of Mr. Winchester at once
He had a calm voice but firm voice, Y/N let go, making Cardin roll on the floor, holding his wrist.
Y/N growled, he had blood on his teeth, he then realized that Glynda was holding him.
Y/N: won thgir fo sa......mih etib t'now I erus ytterp m'I ,won nwod em tup nac uoy kniht I......iH
Glynda: you are a handful you know that
She walked out holding Y/N, his tail dragging on the floor, heading over to Ozpin's office.
Julia: that was anticlimactic.
Ruby: well Cardin won't be bothering anyone else anytime soon
Cardin: I'm sorry! OH GOD I'm sorry!
Yang: I have it on video
Julia: alright, Yang I'm gonna say it, it's obvious you like the guy, you don't even talk to him but you like him
Yang: I do not!
Weiss: you're red
Ruby: like me
Yang: I do not like him
Julia: aw that's cute
Yang: besides even if I did, he has you
Julia: honey I love the guy as a friend, but nothing more, I'm done with relationships for a while, he's all yours, you better get him though, Velvet May go after him
Blake: he's a barbarian, no one will want to date a freak like him
Julia: if he wasn't my best friend I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me twice
Pyrrha: can someone fill me in on why Y/N and Blake don't get along
Ruby: I'll tell you Pyrrha
Glynda put Y/N in a chair and he transformed back to normal. Ozpin was sitting there looking at him
Y/N: alright I know you're mad but-
Ozpin: you defended a student
Y/N: what?
Glynda: yeah what?
Y/N: I nearly ripped a guys hand off, I was expecting a punishment
Ozpin: you would've had a punishment....well I mean you still are, but it won't be as harsh
Y/N: you honestly confuse me
Glynda: same here
Ozpin: I figured as much...and Glynda you owe me 200 lien
Glynda: what for?
Ozpin: you're star is out, it's up two Oobleck, Peach, Port and I to win, I wonder if Ironwood will get in on this
Glynda: here
She gave him the money and walked with Y/N back to the elevator. He then sent a message to Glynda's scroll saying "tell him before it's too late". The elevator door closed and it started going down.

Alright guys, before I end this chapter I want to do a tiny poll, what do you guys want to see for next chapter

Main Antagonist for Story

Yang and Y/N first conversation

Another fight with Y/N and another student in Glynda's class

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