Blake's Move

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Yang POV
Me: man, I would love to see another monster fight like that right Blake?
Blake: uh yeah sure.....
Ruby: is everything alright?
Blake: it's nothing important
Weiss: what could it be, you're more quiet than you like him?
Blake: no
Me: you can tell us, we're a team
Blake: well....I knew him
Ruby: you knew him before all of us?
Blake: that is correct
The door flew open
Y/N: I have bad news
Port: what is it?
Y/N: there's no toilet paper
Port began laughing
Y/N: I know it's funny but I'm in dire need, the browns need to play for the Super Bowl
Port: use the machine next to the toilet
Y/N: what does that do?
Port: shoots water
Y/N: ok
He ran back out
Me: so if you knew him....what was he like when you first met him?
Blake: hard to say
Me: why is that?
Blake: I didn't talk to him much.
Timeskip to the next Class
3rd POV
Glynda: today class is a chance to see you all fight....Y/N since you want to fight a Helmaroc, you can, you two get along so well so there won't be any hard feelings, and remember this is just the first day
Julia: we can finally see who's stringer Y/N
Y/N: let's do this
Julia: don't hold back
Glynda: match start
A bell went off and Y/N unsheathed his sword. Y/N launched towards Julia and their weapons clashed. She kicked him and she started playing her guitar, sending music notes at him.
Julia: not the only thing that hurts Y/N
(Play the video at the way top of the chapter)
She started playing a song, one of the notes hit Y/N onto the ground. Her guitar was sending off a huge wave of energy.
Julia: Tonight.....I want to give it all to you
Y/N: is that Kiss?
More notes came out and slammed Y/N into the ceiling. Another huge one came at him but he used his sword to slash it. Y/N then ran towards Julia who's energy shot him away and made him slide against the ground. He threw his sword only to have it come back at him. He was hit in the face by the hilt and put to the ground. He was bleeding a little bit, but he got back up. She sent out another wave of notes, knocking his sword out of his hand and putting it in the wall.
Y/N: alright, let's do this!
His skin became harder and he grew more legs. He then started to grow more arms and his normal ones became giant and his fingers started coming together.

He ran towards her, the energy was strong, but not strong enough for a raging Crab man Y/N: barC naM ma IShe continued singing but he notes weren't doing anything against his shell

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He ran towards her, the energy was strong, but not strong enough for a raging Crab man
Y/N: barC naM ma I
She continued singing but he notes weren't doing anything against his shell. While he had power though, she was incredibly fast and graceful. Y/N went to hit her but she dodged it with a dance move. This continued to go on. He used his claw to sweep the floor, but she jumped and landed right on the claw and sang in his face. She ran up his arm and slid down his back. Y/N then used her landing to his advantage and slapped her with his claw, putting her to the corner, until finally using his claw and keeping her down.
(Stop the music)
Julia: good one
He nodded and helped her up.
Julia: I haven't had this much of a blast since I was a kid, thanks Y/N, you're alright
Glynda: alright, next up we have Ms. Long and-
Ruby: Wait!
Glynda: yes Ms. Rose?
Ruby: I want to see what's stronger, agility or power?
Glynda: and how do you want to see that, Blake vs Yang?
Ruby: Blake vs Y/N
Blake looked over at Ruby
Blake *mouhing words*: why Ruby why?!
Glynda: I don't think he's ready for another fight, his aura is depleted to the low yellow
Y/N was still a giant crab and Julia let him hold the guitar and her pick.
Julia: can you play?
Y/N shrugged his shoulders and tried.
When he did he got a little bit of 7 nation army done.
Julia: not too bad
Glynda: and besides you would have to ask him
Ruby: hey Y/N, will you do a match with Blake?
Y/N: on
Ruby: why?
Y/N: snosear
Ruby: please
Y/N: on
Y/N then transformed back to normal.
Y/N: do I smell like a sea food platter?
Julia shook her head yes
Y/N: well that's nice to know
The bell then rang.
Glynda: class is done so soon? Alright, well tomorrow is Yang Xiao Long and Nora Valkyrie
Everyone left the class and went to lunch. Julia sat next to Y/N and Blake sat across from him, he made sure he didn't look up.
Ruby: Y/N, why are you in a bad mood
Y/N: I'm fine
Yang: you seem a little Crabby
Everyone: UGH!
Y/N: I guess you can say I'm somewhat steamed
Yang and Y/N high fived.
Ruby: you seemed angry when I mentioned Blake, why is that
Y/N looked up at her and she had a little look of guilt
Y/N: I'm sure she can tell you
Ruby looked at Blake
Blake: I don't know what you're talking about
Y/N: maybe this will refresh your memory "freak"
Blake's eyes widened
Y/N: that shit don't go away
Her team looked at her.
Blake: what if I say I'm sorry
Y/N: you're sorry? You're fucking sorry?
Blake: listen, I feel bad
Y/N: no, you felt bad when you realized I was still alive!
Weiss: what happened between you two?
Y/N: too damn much...
Blake: I'm trying to make up for what I did
Y/N: it's not going to work, after 5 years I wanted nothing to do with you, fast forward to now I feel the same
Jaune: damn
Weiss: you are so getting interrogated later Blake
Blake: I figured
Y/N: she won't tell you everything, she never does
He got up and left. Julia looked at him and then back to Blake.
Julia: wait a minute you're....
Julia got up and ran out to Y/N.
Julia: Y/N!
Y/N: ....yeah
Julia: is that who you meant in your story, she's the one that abused you for 5 years?
Y/N: *sigh* yep.....nothing I want to do more than slam her against the ground and just beat the living shit out of her
Julia: Y/N.....let's get your mind off this, it will affect you if you keep thinking, I'll keep up with my promise, you and I will go shopping
Y/N: that sounds nice right now
Julia: let's go
Yang POV
Blake was quiet, she had guilt all over her face.
Weiss: well this officially has become the most awkward moment I have ever witnessed
Ruby: so whatever happened, that's why he didn't want to fight Blake
Pyrrha: you have to think about it like this, he's been through a lot more than any of us
Weiss: what do you mean by that?
Pyrrha: a guy normally doesn't snap like that with minor things, it'll drive him crazy but never to snap
Glynda POV
I walked over to Ozpin
Me: how's Y/N
Ozpin: he left with Julia to go shopping, in the cameras he had a little back and forth with Blake Belladonna.
Me: oh god what happened?
Ozpin: she sat across from him, she looked like she was trying to apologize, but Y/N wasn't having any of it and he stormed out. A few seconds later Julia got up and followed.
Me: well atleast he's with good company, I really do like that girl, it's weird how quick those two hit it off, normally it takes a few weeks for other students to even stand what the others do, but with these two, it's like they've been best friends forever.
Ozpin: it is weird....well I'm going to get more coffee, you want some?
Me: yes please

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