Luffy Scenario

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Lemon cause I said so


"(Y/N)!" You gasped back seeing Luffy frantically try to force his stretchy body through the thin gap he made, you nearly shrieked as he threw his arm over to you, nearly hooking onto your legs, "(Y/N)!"

Becoming frightened by the urgency in his voice, you began to inch away until the back of your head crashed into the opposite wall with a bounce, "(Y/N) come here!" Not wanting to approach the other while he was acting like this, you looked to the wall and grabbed ahold of a steel beam.

Glancing at how the other unceremoniously flailed in the narrow gap, you easily came to the conclusion that he was stuck- good.

Rushing to a different entrance, you forced the beam in between the cracks available and tried to force them into opening, "no! No! (Y/N)! Come here!" Ignoring the other, you felt the adrenaline seething through your veins hearing the mutant thrash about, hearing his appendages stretch dangerously in attempts to grab ahold of you.

"Come on, come on.." No matter how hard you tried to pull, the doors stayed shut- they were practically welded shut at this point, you were as good as stuck- just like the rubber mutant was, with Luffy occupying the only exit.

"Ow!" Dropping the beam, you clutched tightly onto the finger you accidentally sliced open with a jagged end of the metal, seeing a couple of red drops appear below, you bit your lips in pain, "Queen!"

Blinking to Luffy in confusion, seeing him struggle even more wildly than before, your brain began to stir with the mystery at hand before you.

Did- did he just call you queen?

"Q-Queen! Please come here! It's not safe!" Stalling as the cells in your head worked their magic, you listed the information you had available.

He did, he called you queen, but the queen was- suddenly an epiphany struck you down like an electrical shock.

Queen- oh shit, oh god they saw you as their- their alpha.

The three of them were given the soldier mentality to colonize, act as faithful drones to their queen- like bees or ants, the queen that they were madly in love with- they loved you and immediately associated you as their queen.

Oh shit, they saw you as their lover.

"Queen!" Luffy then opened his arms wide- seemingly noticing your distress and waiting for you to rush into his embrace for comfort- oh god he really did see you as his queen.

You nearly toppled over with the shock of it all, not being able to properly choke down the realization as you liked.

How did this happen? You didn't have any pheromones to control or attract them, hell you weren't even anywhere near the same species as them! You were human! How did this happen?!

"L-Luffy wait, I don't think you understand what's going on-" the male continued to clamber in place, staring you down with desperate brown eyes, "(Y/N)- Queen, don't worry I'm coming!-" Suddenly the other popped out, falling onto the floor.

Nearly freezing in horror, you slammed yourself against the wall feeling numb in a stalling panic.

Pressing yourself into the wall- wishing it would just engulf you then and there, feeling your heart threaten to burst right out of your chest, you watched helpless, as Luffy threw himself up, immediately rushing to you, "Queen!"

Nearly choking on your throat, he wrapped his arms around you several times, curling his appendages to circulate your waist and squeezed just hard enough so you couldn't pry him off, "Queen!"

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