Social Sunday

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Scurrying down the hall, you breathed out unsteadily from the lack of oxygen being delivered to your lungs, once you made it to your destination, you loudly sucked in as much air as you could right after knocking on the door.

Watching it slide open to reveal a smooth, well dressed man with a white coat, the scientist leaned back and scrunched his face up in disgust seeing your dirty, sweat coated appearance, smiling friendly enough, you shoved the pile of papers in his direction, "I've completed my report on the sleeping habits of experiment number two thousand and twenty three!" Huffing and puffing exhaustedly, the other frowned awkwardly, "yeah, thanks"

Grabbing the papers and slamming the door shut on you, the way he treated you didn't bother you at all, considering almost all the scientists in the facility disliked you- they thought you were stupid.

Slowly walking away, you looked out the thick glass window in the hall and continued to move on casually, outside the sky was hazy with clouds varying with mixing greens and blues, the ground was hard and crusty, black as tar and barren of any flora, no animal was seen- the only movement was the toxic rivers streaming down the mountain in the distance like molasses, the whole wasteland was nothing but a lethal tundra of radiation.

Humming absentmindedly, you continued down to grab a quick synthetic coffee, even though the apocalypse destroyed much of the world in the span of a few hundred years, you were thankful that coffee was one of the surviving inventions of the peaceful days.

Humanity was to say- done for.

The earth wasn't sustainable for life- well human life that is, at least not anymore, and now that news spread that one of the final- if not the very last fallout center went kablooey, there was less then one percent of the previous human population remaining on earth.

Now your work was the upmost of importance, the creation of the new 'human' species was priority number one.

Knowing that people as they were now weren't going to make it through this epidemic, a group of highly standing scientists banded together to create a species that could survive this current earth and dominate it like the humans, and even the dinosaurs before once have- and then there was you.

You weren't a scientist, but a caretaker, you took care of the experiments created here and observed them, sending any information you found on them back to the top scientists for analysis, where they gave you orders to act on depending on your results.

"Oof!" Not having been noticing where you were going, you stumbled back and yelped in alarm, "ah! I'm sorry" head immediately bowing down in apology, you blinked in surprise seeing that it was only the co-head scientist, Monet.

Chuckling cutely, she straightened up her foggy glasses, smiling at you calmly, "it's okay (Y/N), you weren't paying attention to your surroundings, that's all" shrugging it off, you blushed at the ground and twiddled your thumbs, "ah, I'm so sorry Monet"

She chuckled, leaving you both to silence, just when you felt it was going to get awkward she spoke up, "by the way, the subjects are waiting for you, it's social Sunday I hope you know"

Eyes widening dramatically, you began to bolt down the hall, stomping down on the floor like a rushing bull, "fuck! I'm late they're gonna kill me!" Once you got to the elevator on the end of the hall, you jumped around in impatience while jamming at the button pointing down.

Once the elevator opened you leaped inside and smiled at Monet, "thanks for the reminder Monet, thank you so much! Byeee!" Excitedly waving her goodbye as the doors closed, she gave you a small smile with a short wave, "good luck down there!"


Rushing through the security measures built to keep the chambers air tight, you entered one of the more heavily guarded areas of the lab- where they kept the subjects.

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