Your boy? (Kleinphy/Conman) (zolana)

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"Truth." She said.

"Hmmmm Okay, if you had to date someone in this room, who would it be?" Jared asked, clearly knowing Alana had a crush on Zoe. Alana shot him a dirty look.

"Well," Alana said, playing her crush off smoothly "I guess it would have to be Zoe, since I'm a flaming homo"

"Jared, truth or dare." Alana asked, getting payback for the previous truth.

"Hah, nice try. I bet you have a really dirty dare all set up for me. Well think again. I pick truth." Jared rambled.

"Okay, if you had to kiss someone in this room, it's a different question because I said kiss and not date, who would you choose."

"Well that's easy, it wouldn't be you because you're too annoying, it wouldn't be Zoe because you'd probably kill me, and it wouldn't be Evan since I wouldn't want to kiss my son. It would have to be Connor." Jared decided.

"Oooooohhhhh." Zoe and Alana teased, giggling. Both Connor and Jared blushed.

"Shut up." Jared mumbled. "Okay, it's my turn so, Evan, truth or dare."


"Are you serious?" Connor groaned "we're on the third round and no one had picked dare? This game is shit."

"Leave him alone." Jared told Connor. "Evan, how many people have you dated? Guys and girls, I don't judge."

"Umm I don't know, maybe three or four?" Evan guessed.

"Three or four?!" Jared exclaimed. "You never told me about anyone, awww my little baby is growing up." Evan blushed.

"Ok," Evan started, looking around to see who he should ask. "Zoe, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Zoe decided, quickly, trying to avoid being questioned about Alana.

"Yes! Finally, a dare!" Connor practically shouted with excitement.

"I dare you to go on a date with Alana." Evan smirked. "Not right now, tomorrow after we leave." Zoe went as red as a tomato.

"Ok." Zoe squeaked, but she relaxed when she realized she finally had a chance to embarrass her brother. "It's my turn now, Connor , truth or dare."

"Dare, duh." Connor smart-assed, realizing his mistake too late.

"Okay then, I dare you to kiss Jared." Zoe pressured her brother who's face was growing redder by the minute.

"Zoe!" Connor squealed , shocking his friends who had never heard a similar sound from him before.

"It's fine, Connor" Jared assured him, pulling himself up so he was face-to-face with the taller boy. "It's just a dare."

"Yeah," Connor agreed, sadness evident in his voice. "It's just a dare."

Connor leaned forward, awkwardly pressing his lips against his crush's. Jared jumped at first, clearly expecting Connor to chicken out, but soon softened. As their lips moved against each other's they both grew breathless and red in the face from the butterflies spawning in their stomachs. Jared hadn't expected Connor to be such a good kisser, and Connor hasn't expected Jared to be so into it, so they were both pleasantly surprised as they deepened the kiss. They remained like that, bodies pressed up against each other, until they remembered that they did, in fact, need oxygen to live. They pulled apart quickly,with matching red faces and swollen lips, remembering that the other three had been watching them the whole time.

With embarrassment they noticed the expressions of their friends, and sibling, in Connor's case. Evan was red, covering his eyes. Alana was laughing, and Zoe was grinning wider than they had ever seen before. To Connor, the embarrassing silence was deafening.

Dear Evan Hansen One- shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя