Chapter 14

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(Short Chapter)

I placed my shopping bags on the floor next to chair as I sat and began to eat my slice of pepperoni pizza. Despite watching what I just watched on tv about an hour ago, I decided to go on with my plan of going shopping. I need to get some stuff off my mind.

As I took a sip of my sprite, I heard a familiar female voice. "DJ, be quiet and eat your chips. We'll leave when I'm done with my food."

The child continued to whine and cry. I turned around to see Bahja and her son at the table behind me. She was eating her food when I decided to say something. "Bahja?"

"Taylor!" she exclaimed as she looked up and smiled. I grabbed my belongings and moved to her table. "it's been a while!"

"Yes it sure has!"

"Your braces! They're gone!"

"Got them taken off about two hours ago."

"Nice! So what's up? How have you been?"

"I've been pretty good," I lied. "How about you?"

"I've been good! Diggy and I broke up a few days ago. He has to move to New York. He's working on his career as a rapper."

"Aww. I didn't know he raps."

"He's pretty good. He just has to work on getting known. DJ has been driving me crazy." Suddenly, DJ threw his bag of Cheetos on the floor. Luckily, they didn't spill. I picked the bag up and Bahja took it and placed it on the table. "But I still live him!" We both laughed. "Have been talking to Jacob lately?"

"I talked to him about a month ago," I replied. "He's been really busy.. Ya know. His baby with Nique.. and he's dating Riley."

"Yeah." She shook her head and sighed. We continued to talk and update each other on our lives. We exchanged numbers before she had to leave and I even got a hug from DJ. He's so adorable.

I sat there as I continued to eat when I felt someone's presence coming towards me.

"Would you mind if I sit here?"


"Yes, I would mind," I replied coldly.

"What's up with you," he laughed.

"Nothing. I just don't want you sitting with me," I replied without looking at him.

"What did I do?" He stood over me with small bowl of Chinese rice in his hands.

I laughed to myself and shook my head.

"It's what you didn't do."

"What do you mean?" He asked, clearly confused.

I stood up to throw my trash away before replying to him. "You didn't keep your promises, Jake. You promised me you would be here for me when I needed you and you weren't there. I've been through quite a bit an you weren't there to help me and comfort me."

"I'm sorry, Taylor. I nev-"

"Don't be sorry. Someone else has taken your place." I finally threw my trash in the garbage and grabbed my belongings before walking away.

I didn't even cry this time. It just wasn't in me to cry. I didn't even feel sad. I just went home and went straight to bed.


This chapter is dedicated to @Aphrodite_xo. Check her stories out, she's really cool and has the ONLY B.o.B. Story on Wattpad (well at least to my knowledge). Follow her!

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