Chapter 6

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(The next morning)

I hopped out of bed and took a shower. Outfit in the external link on the side.

I pulled my hair back into a normal ponytail and walked downstairs. Troy was knocked out on the couch, mouth wide open, and one leg hanging off the seat. I started to take a picture but decided not to.

I started towards the kitchen when I felt my phone vibrate in my hands. I was getting a call from Prodigy. "Hello?"

"Hey, you feelin better?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm about to make breakfast. Wannna come over?" I continued walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah. I'll be there in a little bit."

"Okay." I hung up after Prod.

"Troy! Wake up!" I exclaimed from across the kitchen and into the living room.

He didn't move.

I walked over to where he was sleeping and looked at him for a bit. He's so cute when he's sleeping. "TROY! WAKE UP!" I yelled in his face and he quickly raised up.

"Huh? Wh- What's up?" He looked around and spotted me beside him.

"Prod's on his way. Get up and go home to get dressed. I'm making breakfast too."

He looked at me and dropped his head back down. "Why are you up so early?"

I looked at the clock and it read 7:30. "Boy get up and get dressed!" I nearly slapped him in the back of his head.

I got up and continued preparing for breakfast.

Troy eventually got up and went home to get dressed and by the time he came back, Prod was at the door. I cooked eggs, bacon, and pancakes and we all ate it up. Once we were done, we left out and headed for school.


About ten minutes before class started, I walked into Mrs. Wilson's class. On Tuesdays, Troy has this class that he takes instead of English. I don't know what it's for though

On the way to my seat I passed by Carla and she tripped me.

I don't know why, but my whole body just changed and I instantly became angry.

I searched the floor for my glasses and instantly shot up from the ground. I turned around and swung on Carla.

My fist hit her left cheek and she almost fell out of her seat. Everyone was staring and I heard a couple guys say "Ooh!" And what not.

I continued my journey back to my seat when I felt a tug on my hair.

Carla pulled on my hair like crazy and pulled me to the ground. She punched me about three times and then my glasses fell off. I couldn't see anything so I just started swingin and hoping to hit her. After two failed attempts, I finally hit her in her nose and I hit her HARD. She fell on the ground next to me. I quickly put my glasses on and got on top of her and started punching like CRAZY! I was beyond pissed for two reasons.

1) I hate Carla.


2) Ain't nobody try to break us up when she was beatin the crap out of me.

Since no one tried to break us up I took matters into my own hands and tried not to get killed by this thing.

As I was punching her, I heard the door open and Mrs. Wilson came in the classroom and yelled "Taylor Shanta Wilson! Get off of her!" She hurried her small self over towards the fight and picked me up off of Carla.

Then I realized that she just called me by my government name.

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