Chapter 4

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It's been a month since I saw Jacob. I still haven't talked to him but I think he's still in town.

It's only been a month and a half since school started and I'm already failing Science and English. I'm almost failing History. I feel like a failure.

Carla and her "clique" aren't making thing better. They always find some way to criticize me. I hate it.

"How about fro-yo?" Prod asked.

Prodigy, Troy, and I started hanging out a couple weeks ago. It feels good to hang out with him. We used to be cool before this "Braces and Glasses" thing happened.

"That sounds good," Troy replied.

We walked over to Fro-Yo Palace and we stated our orders.

"I'd like a medium cup of plain yogurt with strawberries, brownie bits, pecans, and m&ms please," I ordered and watched him sprinkle the brownie bits on my yogurt.


Jacob's POV

"The only frozen yogurt place is over by the park," I told Iman

"Well, let's go," he replied as he grabbed the keys to the car.

We hopped in the car and drove to the Fro-Yo Palace.

I've been in town for about a month now. It feels good to be back home.. I really miss Taylor, though. We met eyes at the movies and she looked.. hurt. It's all my fault. I haven't called her or anything since I left town two years ago.

We pulled into the parking lot and started towards Fro-Yo Palace.


Taylor's POV

I took a spoonful of my yogurt as Prod made his order. Troy was about to start his order when someone caught my eye.


I wanted to run up to him and hug him as tight as possible. I miss him so much.

But I can't do that.

The way he left me and didn't even call me or anything hurt me. I cried almost all the time because of him.


Jacob's POV

As I walked into Fro-Yo Palace I noticed a few people at the counter.

And then it hit me.


I couldn't believe it was really her.

She was beautiful.

I couldn't stop looking at her.

Her hair got longer, she got a bit taller but not too tall, and she had on the bracelet I bought her a couple days before I left.


Taylor's POV

I began to feel a little uncomfortable when I saw Jacob walk through. He kept staring at me.

Troy finally finished his order and received his yogurt and we paid the cashier. We all walked to a table near the window and say down.

At first it was silent. But then I decided to say something.

"Soo.. how's school with you guys?"

"Huh?" Troy looked confused.

"I'm just trying to start conversation, Troy. Just go along with it," I whispered to Troy and Prodigy.

"Well it's pretty cool for me," Prodigy answered.

I took a spoonful of yogurt.

"Ehh.. School bores me," Troy said. Troy may seem dumb but he's a genius. He's so smart even advanced work bored him halfway to death.

We sat in silence as we are our frozen yogurt. Jacob sat on the others side of the Fro-Yo shop. He kept glancing over to our table. He looked jealous.

Once we were done we threw our cups away and headed out the door. Jacob and his friend were still sitting down eating their yogurt.

"That was good," Troy sighed as he opened the door.

"Taylor!" I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back.

I jerked my arm away and turned to see Jacob standing there.

I started to turn around when he grabbed me again.

"Please, Taylor! Can we talk?" He pleaded.

I turned to the guys as they stared at us two. "I'll meet you guys at the car on a little bit." they left and I turned back to face Jacob. "What do you wanna talk about? how you left and didn't even call or anything for the past two years? Cause if that's the case I'm just gonna leav-"

"I wanna say sorry," he interrupted me. "I'm a horrible person and I know I messed up an I'm REALLY sorry!"

I sighed.

"Please, Taylor. I feel horrible for my actions. The way I treated you was unacceptable and I didn't mean for you to be hurt. And the way you ignore me like nothing happened between us makes me feel even worse."

"I'M THE ONE ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN US?! You're the one who hasn't called me in the past two years! You don't even answer the phone! Oh yeah. I'm DEFINITELY the one who's acting like nothing happened between us." I rolled my eyes when I said the last sentence and I began to raise my voice. "I can't believe you even said that. I can't believe you even expect me to forgive you! I cried almost every night because of the way you left me! Now I feel empty on the inside. I feel hurt. There WAS something happening between us. Something that should've ended before it had even started." I turned away to head for the car. "Bye, Jacob."

And with that I walked away.

(Picture of Troy on the side)

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