Chapter 8

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Today is Friday and on Fridays Troy, Prod, and I usually go to the park. But Troy got sick so today Prod and I are going to the mall. It's been a while since I've actually had a conversation with Prodigy. He's been so exclusive since my years at Memorial (the old high school).

As we walked away from Panda Express, we looked around for a seat. Today the mall didn't have its usual crowdedness and it was fairly empty. We found a seat closer to where most of the stores were and placed our trays down to eat.

"So what's up?" I said opening my soy sauce.

He shook his head. "Nothing, really. I saw Princeton the other day at the park."

"That's cool. How is he?"

"He's fine. He goes to college now. He graduated early."

"That's cool. I was doing the program that helps me graduate earlier but I got kicked out. I was too lazy.. I don't know."

We laughed. Then we continued eating.

"Can I ask you serious question, though?" Prodigy asked.

"Sure.. what's up?"

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Stay positive. You've been through so much. Jacob, your parents, Carla."

"I just look on the positive side. I have friends like you and Troy to hold me down." I shrugged. I honestly don't want to talk much about that topic but I didn't want to be rude about it.

He smiled. "I'm always here for you."

"Thank you, Prod." I smiled.

We, again, continued to eat our food.

"Can I asked you something?" I asked.


"How are your parents?" I asked that because all of a sudden I remembered how he would always talk to me about how his parents were always fussing with each other.

"They divorced a while back. But, they're fine."

"I'm sorry about the divorce."

"Nah. It's good. Both my parents are happy and that's all that matters." he flashed a smile.

"But are you happy?"

He looked down, searching for an answer.

"I have my bad days.. but overall yes. I'm happy." he half smiled.

"If you need anything, I'm here," I replied.

He looked at me and smiled. When I looked in his eyes, I could tell he wasn't truly happy.


As we left the mall and got in Prod's car, I couldn't help but think about how unhappy he looked when we were in the foodcourt.

"Let's go to the pier," I suggested so he could get his mind off of things.

"Yea. I'm down with that." He nodded and continued driving. He turned the radio up and "Pills and Potions" by Nicki Minaj began to play. I know this whole song by heart. I freakin love Nicki.

"Pills and Potions. We're overdosin." I began to sing. "Still angry but I still love you. Pills and Potions. We're overdosin. Can't stand it but I still love you. I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love,  I still lo-o-ove.I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love," I sang my heart out.

Prod began to smile and laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked when Nicki started to rap.

"Nothin.." He shook his head while still laughing. I playfully punched his arm and continued to sing the song.

When the song was over Prod was parking the car so we could walked downtown to the pier. once we got on the sidewalk, I noticed a Red Cup Frozen Yogurt Sign on the curb.

Let me tell you something.

I have this weird obsession with Red Cup. Their frozen yogurt is like the

"Let's go to Red Cup!" I said.


We walked into Red Cup and I went crazy. I love this place so much. I grabbed a small cup and filled it halfway up with Oreo ice cream. I topped it with Oreo bits, chocolate chips, brownie chunks, Captain Crunch cereal, and hot fudge. I went up to the counter and Prod was right behind me.

"Are you two together?" the cashier asked.


"Yeah." Prod interrupted. He placed his cup on the weighing table along with mine and paid for both of our cups before we walked out of the FroYo shop.

"Well, thank you.." I smiled.

He shook his head before replying. "Don't worry bout it." He flashed a smile and we continued our way to the pier. On our way we passed by many street performers who were dancing, singing, or playing some type of instrument and we passed many restaurants with live singers. It was really bright and beautiful. We finally made it to the pier.

The pier was decorated with bright, colorful lights along the railings. On the other end there was a stage set up and seats set out in front. On the stage was a guy strumming his guitar in such a beautiful way. The sound of his guitar was so sweet and soft. It was indulging.

I was so captivated by the sound, I didn't even notice Prod looking out into the ocean over the railings until the music stopped a few seconds later. Prod was in deep thought, I don't think he noticed me next to him until I said something.

"Whatcha thinkin bout?"

He shook his head and replied, "Life."

"Hmm.." I looked out in the ocean.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I nodded. "It sure is." I pushed up my glasses to get a better look. The guy on the guitar began to play again and it sounded even better than before.

"Can I tell you something?" Prod asked. Before I could had the chance to answer he continued. "You're the only person in the world I actually feel comfortable with. I can talk to you about anything, knowing I won't be judged. Since my parents' divorce, I just changed completely. I stopped talking to people and I just wanted to be alone. Thank you for being a good friend."

I smiled, feeling good about myself. "You're welcome.. You're a really good friend, too. You actually care about my feelings and you're truthful. I can tell you anything and I know you won't tell my business." I laughed. I looked at Prod as he smiled and looked out the ocean. I couldn't help but stare at him. He's so vulnerable and fragile. I loved when he smiled. His smile makes me happy. It's always good to see him smile.

After we walked around the pier, we went back to the car and he dropped me off. Once I got in the house, I couldn't help but replay the image of Prodigy's smile. It's been a pretty good night.


Sooo.. y'all like this chapter? Haha Comment what y'all think.

In the external link is a story that my little sister is making and I would appreciate if you guys give her some feedback. It's her first Wattpad story so be easy! It's called "A Boondock's Baby" lol Hope y'all like!

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