The other two girls on the dodgeball team.

This was a dare.

I looked back at her, "Sure," I said before entering class just as she opened her mouth to say something.


I have been in this school for a little over a month, and this was my only second time to sit in the school cafeteria. If it was for me I wouldn't even come here in the first place, but I was too tired from the PE class; all I wanted was to die on a table and I couldn't do that outside of here.

To my luck, the table in the back that was detached from everyone, and Harry labeled as 'his', was empty, so I advanced to it and sat down, propping my chin in my palm as I closed my eyes briefly. Once I opened my eyes, I caught Harry in one of the tables with the group of guys he usually stands with, eyeing me.

He lifted his lips in a lopsided grin and I returned the gesture as one of the guys grabbed his attention and started talking to him.

I sighed, opening one of the books that I had laid on the table. Even though I felt drained of energy, I had a lot of school work that I didn't as so start. Now was the perfect time to finish some of the stuff I piled.

I solved a page out of the math homework that was assigned like a week ago then found myself doodling circles at the corner of the second page. Huffing, I dropped the pencil and rubbed my neck, my eyes falling on the coffee machine that sat on the farther table.

We have a coffee machine in school.

"Dope," I murmured then cringed at the usage of the word before getting up to treat myself with a cup of coffee.

After a cup of steaming, delicious coffee was in my hand, I got back to the table and noticed a yellow sticky note on the side. I placed the cup down and reached for it. I did not write anything on a sticky note.

I have a few information about that psychopath that I didn't tell your hero about. If you are curious, meet me at eight sharp or else I know nothing about anyone.

I turned the paper around and found an address that I didn't recognize scribbled. I moved my eyes across the cafeteria in search of his face and found him laughing with his friends at a table. He side-glanced at me, smirking in triumph.

Sitting back down, I erased any kind of emotion that could have taken place on my face as I sipped on my coffee, welcoming its burning sensation with open arms.

Now, what was I going to do about this?


I lifted my head up from my palms as a knock echoed through the room.

"Come in."

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and Zoe was on the floor hovered over by Charlie who was trying to lick her face as she giggled and squirmed to get him away from her.

Harry opened the door and came in, "Hey," he said, leaning against the door frame. His clothes were ruffled in a way that gave away the fact that he was sleeping before coming here.

I smiled slightly.

"Harry, 'elp me," Zoella shrieked. He smiled faintly and pushed Charlie away from her as she tried to regain her breath then he bent down and carried her off the ground.

"I was going to come and ask what you wanted for lunch, but how about we eat lunch in some place and have some fresh air as well?" He asked as both of them focused on me.

Zoe raised her arm, "I agree!"

He chuckled and waited for me to answer. I peered at the clock to check the time.

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