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Judgement became something that is very common now.

You see someone and you immediately judge them by their appearance.

A girl showing skin, oh she is a slut.

A girl walking around with a book in her hand and pays attention in class, oh she is a nerd.

A girl who has tattoos on her body, oh she is emo.

A girl who walks around, silently, not talking to anyone, oh she is depressed and has problems.

Everyone will spread rumors about you. And everyone will listen to what is being said without thinking twice.

'Don't judge a book by its cover' is a very popular idiom that means 'you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward appearance alone' yet, I don't think that's a thing anymore.

Everyone judges wrong. They don't know that that girl who shows skin, may be really insecure with her body, or that girl who has tattoos on her body, may be a real sweetheart on the inside, or that girl who is quiet and they are implying she is depressed, just needs someone to talk to her and that's when they will see a whole new different person.

They don't know what happens in their lives every day that makes them the way they are. They just judge, they are only good at that.

So, welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, which music you listen to, what you look like, how you act, who you hang around, who you are, and on practically every other personal trait and imperfection in you. Enjoy your stay. 

I heard the talks going around about me.

I heard what they said.

The depressed new girl who calls herself Black. I shook my head, I just didn't get people anymore. When will they ever have some common sense in that mind of theirs? If they even have a mind.

I walked silently yet again to my locker to pick the books needed for next class. I knew it was about time when someone starts talking to me to mock me. I knew it was going to happen. I mean, all I wear is black and I introduced myself as black, and oh my god I didn't mutter a single word to anyone, what a weirdo I am!

So, when I closed the locker door and found two girls who looked nothing but trouble in front of me, I didn't seem a bit surprised.

"Black huh?" said one of them. She had brunette hair and blue eyes, along with that perfect body structure that girls stay hours upon hours at a gym to achieve. She looked exactly like a lioness waiting to jump on its prey, acting all innocent at first and then turning into a vicious, tearing-flesh animal.

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