Shagari hadn't eaten for days and it was really starting to get to her, it felt like she was going to faint if she didn't eat something. She knew she couldn't steal from the corner store anymore because she already got caught 3x and knew if she got caught again she would go back to jail.

A man in a black Cadillac approached her and asked her if she wanted to make some quick cash. The man didn't look like a creep at all he looked like he could be someone's father, he looked so sweet and nice so Shagari thought?

Young and inexperienced, Shagari agreed and took a ride from the man. He bought her food at a local McDonald's. He bought her so much food that Shagari ate like it was her last meal. The man gave her a dark look when he noticed that she licked her fingers after she ate her food. Shagari complained about not having a place to stay and the man agreed to take her to a hotel to rest.

Shagari thought that she would be sleeping and take a proper shower but the man had other plans. The man actually admitted that he just wanted to have some sex for and would pay her. He kept on staring at her with a nervous expression on his face almost as if he was scared just like she was. Shagari knew she needed the money and reluctantly agreed to his request. She was really scared because this was her first time ever being introduced to sex.

Pure agony was all Shagari could feel as her precious body was ripped apart by the man. Like a frozen fish, Shagari stayed still as the man pounded into her tiny body. It was like the man lost all control as he touched her body. His hands roamed her frame, exposing her soft body to the man, every inch of her body was uncovered, she could hide nothing from him.

His black lips whispered his darkest desires about how he wanted to fuck her body till it was no more. Hot tears fell down her face as the man kept on ramming his dick inside of her. When the man finished, he simply threw the money at her face and left. Before he left he didn't forget to call Shagari a hoe and spit in her face.

Shagari cried and cried until she felt no more tears could fall out of her eyes. That very same day, Shagari cursed God and asked him Why? Why would he do this to her? Why would he let her father leave her? Why would did her life have to be so hard? With no one to protect her Shagari discovered that she was the only one to defend herself.

In this cold world, there was no such thing as friends. Everyone Shagari thought would protect her or be there for her during tough times left her. No one helped her at all they only used her for her money.

Her boyfriend? That man only used her for money and sex. Young and naïve Shagari fell for the young drug dealer named Kris. He really wasn't shit. Kris and Shagari meet at a strip club and linked up after a few months. Shagari felt like she met the love of her life, he always took care of her and always whispered about how he loved her, at least in the first few months of dating.

Kris was the type of dude that would use the drug that he was supposed to sell. Shagari was always the one that came to his rescue; she had to sell her body to pay off his debts that kept on rising by each day. Shagari learned at Kris wasn't who he said he really was only a liar and a cheater.

At 16, Shagari already had over 30 partners that number increased while she stayed with Kris. Sometimes Shagari wondered what she saw in him, he wasn't even that cute and he didn't even know how to fuck her right.

While the money kept rolling in, her boyfriend used the money to do more drugs and beat her at the same time. He beat her until she was black and blue, it was like he was angry with her and Shagari had no clue why. Sometime he would beat her so bad that she would wake up to men raping her.

But God had other plans for her relationship with Kris. One day, Kris was making a drug bust and was shot in the head four times and in the chest 12 times. It was like Shagari lost all hope, the man she loved was knowing dead. She cried so much that she lost her voice for a whole month.

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