her entry no.8

56 16 0

10 Sept

Dear you,
I know I haven't been writing lately, it's because I have exams coming up. I know I previously didn't care about my future, but I met someone who made me realize that life is worth living for. I know I have been an ass to my parents and the people surrounding me, and maybe I'm the one who was wrong all along? I made this sound so cheesy.

But I don't feel lonely anymore! After I told Ben about my side of the story (not everything though), he kept on texting me, making sure I was okay. Why would he even care about how I felt? Maybe there are a few people in this world who are sincere and put others before themselves.

Meanwhile my ex got expelled from college for harassing a girl. He deserves that. *silently celebrates*

Back to the story. I went to Ben's house the other day. I lain close to him and somehow I felt... safe? You see Ben makes me feel something nobody has ever made me feel. When I was with him, I thought about quitting everything. But I know it's not that easy. I just don't want to lose him.

After that night we hanged out the next day at a park near his house.I decided to dress completely different and wore a white dress. I sat with him on a bench while he clenched my hand in his. He tried to talk me out of cutting myself by telling me how beautiful I was. He told me that light was discovered for darkness. Which means that darkness can be extinguished with the right light. And he made me promise not to cut myself again. Nobody has ever said that to me. I don't think anybody has ever cared for me this much. But my question is why? Why does he care about me knowing that I'm a lost case? I can't be fixed.

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