his entry no.4

88 18 10

Dear you,
You know how I said today was going to be boring? Well turns out things don't always go by nature's rules. I have a total stranger sleeping in my room! Let me narrate the whole story for your ease.

After my dad left, my grandma called me saying that she needed help with the internet. I told her: "grandma you need to open windows"Her reply was: "no its cold outside". She didn't actually say that, I was just keen on adding humour to my story.

Moreover, I was riding back home at about tweleve when I saw a young girl, about my age, sleeping on the bench on the bus stop. I couldn't just leave her there, not until chivalry was alive! I got close to her and she got up to the police sirens near us. She exclaimed: "please you need to help me. I need to hide".

I was as confused as you are right now reading this. She got in my cramped car and I drove home. I didn't really ask her any questions but I assumed she ran away from the hospital because of the tag on her wrist. I know what you're thinking right now 'what makes you sure she is not a murderer?'. Well that did cross my mind. She could have slit my throat as soon as she got in the car. But she didn't and that's all that matters.

When we reached home after half an hour, she had already slept. So, I carried her to my room. And no she wasn't heavy. I feel like I had to add that in.

I don't really know what to feel because I'm in the living room certainly not afraid. I did recognize her as the girl who yelled at the guy the other day. But wasn't she supposed to be dead?

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