her entry no.2

179 29 14

26 August 2018

Dear you,
Its currently three in the morning and I can't sleep. You know what I hate more than your class, Mrs. Hannah?. Disloyalty. Why give in a relationship if you're not loyal? I'm really pissed right now. My boyfriend and I broke up today, because he cheated on me. I know I seem like a girl who doesn't really care, but trust me looks can be deceiving. I can't believe I wasted my time on someone who didn't really think about our future. And yes I did scream at him today at lunch. My screams echoed through the halls but hey, no one still didn't give a fuck.

 Wow my pillow is soaking wet because of my tears. Can't believe I'm this weak. He said I was hard to handle. Whatever that means.

I just took ten sleeping pills. So, if I don't write tomorrow or for the rest of my life, don't be surprised

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