First Day at work

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You are all on you own with the animatronics now since the strange man has already left.
You head to the bathroom and change your uniform, when you come out of the bathroom a bad memory comes to your mind so you don't even explore the place, you just go back to the office and close the door. You just want the night to be over by now, you look at the cameras and realize that one animatronic just moved, the chicken. You are paranoic so you just turn off the camera and look at the windows next to the doors from the office waiting there's no one there. It's 3:00 am already and you still too scared like too coming out. You decide to check on the cameras again, so you turn the on and realize none of the animatronics remains on their places but the bear who is still on stage.
You look for them in the rest of the cameras but you don't find them, after a while you realize that there's a camera that has no signal, it was supposed to be the kitchen. You think that the animatronics May be in there, and just as you though after a while you hear robot noises, you cant understand why they are saying because of the bad signal. You decide to just wait till the night is over and so you do. When it's already 6:00 a.m you go out of the office and take a closer look to the animatronics before you get scared and run out of that place.

The pizzeria was looking for a new nightguard. The owner asked to put it in the newspaper, with the pizzeria informations and the requirements for the job. It's been one day and nor you or the animatronics are waiting for someone asking for such a job after a lot of people have been killed or unemployed by the pizzeria. You're on the stage with Chica and Bonnie. Foxy, he's as always just in the Pirate Cove doing nothing and Golden, you never know where he is, he's probably just in the parts and service room. The phone rang and the owner answered hoping it was about the job, and so it was. A new person just called from the job. You realize it's a girl because of her voice. She was supposed to come this night. You have nothing to worry about she's probably easy to take out, just as everyone else.


It's already 11:00 and the new employer hadn't arrived yet.
—When is that new employee coming?- Chica asks.
—Shes supposed to arrive at 11:30 today.-Bonnie answers
Golden appears and sits next to the stage.
—Why do they keep hiring people? I thought we had killed enough- he says
Foxy is here now too, with his arms crossed.
—I'm kinda tired of killing lots of people and none of them being the serious killer. Probably none of them intenttion was hurting us. Probably the we're just looking for a job.
You try to correct Foxy's thoughts, he is a good person. But probably the five of you are the only good people in the world. Before you can even say anything you see someone coming through the door, it was the new employee. She entered looked at us and stayed shocked, she couldn't even pronounce a world. She walks at fast as possible to the office and talked to the owner of the pizzeria.

Hello Y-N, I talked to you earlier and I'm glad you're here. Today's is your first day and luckily not you're last. Your uniform is in the bag I left in the bathroom and your shift is just ready to start." The owner says
"Thank you." The girl answers
"No problem. You can take a look at the place of you want."
"Now I gotta go, so good luck in your first day Y-N" he says and leaves inmediatly without saying anything else.
The last thing you can hear is the girl saying "let's get this night started".
After that she head to the bathroom and change to her uniform, she comes out and stays stand for some seconds before she starts walking fast back to the office and locks the door.
The night goes on as any other night, but this time you notice something strange. You have seen that girl before and you're sure of that. You don't know who she is but you remember her face. You tell to the others to don't kill her, at least not today. She survives the night with all of you just scaring her.

It's finally 6:00 am and the girls comes out to just walk out of the pizzeria and leave.
You and your friends are in the stage remaining silence until Chica asks:
—Why did you asked us to not hurt her?
—she's right. Why did you? What's the matter?-Bonnie insisted
—I think I know her. I've seen her and I need to remember who she is.-you explain
—I think I know who that lass is, i think she's our lass.-Foxy imterrumpted
—Our lass? What are you talking about?-Chica said
—Foxy, she's not her. I know you wanna know she's okay but probably she's not knowing who her father is.-Golden appeared
—But what if it is her?-Foxy continued
—Guys stay calm. We will find out who she is. It's just the first day. -You say

After that everyone went to sleep. Freddy continued thinking about what the Fox said. You knew that Foxy was thinking about her too. He was the one that got more involved of all of you five. Foxy thought he was responsible for keeping her safe because of the promise he made. What if she was Y-N? Even if she was she probably did t even remember us. You think about it all night long. All you can do is hope that she, wherever that girl is. She is safe, and far away from his father.


After the conversation the owner had with the person, who was a girl (it was obvious because of her voice and the tone the owner kept while talking) you are waiting for the new employee. Even though you're tired of killing the nightguards you feel less alone because everyone else in the pizzeria completely ignored you.

The employee has arrived. She seem familiar to you. You recognize by the look on her eyes. They gives you an expression that makes you remember about someone from the past. She reminds you of Y-N. You think maybe you're being a little too hopeful. The little girl from the past made you remember for the first time in a long time, loved. You wanted to protect her, you wanted her to be safe. You missed her since the last time you saw her. You weren't even able to say goodbye. You are hopeful she is alive, safe and still remember you.

The girl came out of the office and headed to the bathroom after talking with the owner.
She changed to her uniform and came back outside. She took a look to everyone on stage and she stayed frozen. She seemed freaked out and scared, then she hurried to the office and locked the door. You saw how everyone else was trying to scare her as you stay on your cove as always. The alarm of six sounded and the girl walked to the door and ran out of the place.

Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica are on the stage talking about something you realize it's about the girl. Freddy thinks he know her too wich just makes your hopes increase. You hope she is the little lass.
You interrump their conversation by telling them what you think
—I think I know who that lass is, i think she's our lass.-You say
—Our lass? What are you talking about?-Chica asked
—Foxy, she's not her. I know you wanna know she's okay but probably she's not knowing who her father is.-Golden appeared
—But what if it is her?-You continue telling them
—Guys stay calm. We will find out who she is. It's just the first day. -Freddy said
After that we all went to sleep. You couldn't sleep. You were too busy thinking about the lass. Thinking if she could be Y-N. You still remember her name. How could you forget about it? She was the only one who made you feel as somebody again and not just a piece of metal and cables. Your heart really hoped it was her, you really wanted to see the lil lass again, and you wanted even more that she still remember you.

Hey guys it's me, so in this chapter it talks about a memory that Y-N had. It will be explained in the next chapter, also I know the story right now is too slow and boring, that will change after the next chapter. Hope you are enjoying the book.

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