New Job

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It's Monday again and you wake up as early as you always do. You go up hoping your mom is no up yet and go check in her room. Just as you thought she is still sleeping.
Minutes later you decide to go upstairs and make breakfast.

You make breakfast for your mom and you and then you put the coffee machine in work. After Half an hour the food and the drink is ready but your mom still not awake so you decide to read the newspaper. You go outside your door and find it there as every day, then you head back to inside of your house.
While you're reading the newspaper something catches your attention, it's a job announcement. You get to read it and get even more interested. Now you're exited to tell your mom about it, so you continue waiting for a couple of minutes more until she finally wakes up.

You run and hug your mom and then you tell her to sit in the table for having breakfast. You set the table and you both sit to enjoy your breakfast. You start talking to your mom about what you read on the mewspaper.

"Did you slept well?" You ask to your mom.
"Yeah, i slept more than regularly." She answers .
"You needed it, yesterday you worked really  hard for your today's presentation"
"What about you, did you slept well?"
"Just as always." You said and then stay quiet.

She just smiles a bit and continues eating. You really wanna tell her so you continue.

"Mom?" You ask.
"Hm" she says still with food in her mouth.
"I read the newspaper today and I think is time that I get a job"
"A job?" She ask a bit surprised
"Yeah. Maybe if I earn some money we'll be able to move, buy a new house, a bigger one."  You continue.
"Okay, what is it about?"
" it about being a night guard, nothing hard. No one would try to steal a pizzeria with just robots on it"
"It sounds good, I guess" she replies.
"My shift will be at night, I will ask for more information about it later."
"Okay darling, if you think is a good opportunity then do it"
"Yeah Mom" you say while you give her a smile.

You both finish your breakfast


Your mom just left to work, you hurry and call the pizzeria for the work. And a weird voice answers.

"Hi, is this Freddy Fazbear Pizza?"
"Hello, what do you need?"
"I called for the job. I'm interested"
"Okay,what's your name?"
"I'm Y-N"
"Okay, so I'll meet you at 11:30 for giving you the keys and uniform and this will be your first night"
"That's fine for me, thank you"

After that you don't hear anything but the call end.


It's 9:00 after you had lunch and you decide to get ready for your first day at work. You head to the bathroom and take a shower, after that you put your jeans, some snickers and one of your favorite shirts, even know it will not be seen under the uniform. You brush your hair and leave it down, and you head to your car. It's already 11:00 by now and you finally go to the pizzeria. While in your way, you are thinking about your dad, it's been more than years already and you haven't seen him since you were a little kid. You still remember his face because you have a photo you see everyday before going to bed and sleep. You miss him and you wonder why haven't he come back already.

You get to the pizzeria just in time and you head to the office where you find a man, he may be the man you talked to.

"Hello Y-N, I talked to you earlier and I'm glad you're here. Today's is your first day and luckily not you're last. Your uniform is in the bag I left in the bathroom and your shift is just ready to start." The man says
"Thank you." It's all you answer
"No problem. You can take a look at the place of you want."
"Now I gotta go, so good luck in your first day Y-N" he says and you can't even say anything before hes gone.

"Okay let's get this night started"

Foxy x reader: Must Be Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora