Chapter Twenty-Six: The Little Things

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Well, Now is better than ever for a good ol' time lapse!!
Enjoy that Last Chapter!~

The memories we hold and share are one's to cherish.

In anyone life time, whether it is a grand long life or short meanful one. It's the the small moments in time that make it count. the little things we experience and share to make anyone say at their last moment. It was a life worth making it this far.

Third Person: (Two weeks later)

With two peaceful weeks passed the small happy family decided to have friends and other family over. Lot of familiar faces for the parents and a whole group of new friends for the little one.

And one by one, or well mostly in pairs, people showed up.  Alfred and Kiku were the closest and arrived first. Then was Ludwig tagging along was a cheerful Feliciano and quickly followed by Antonio and Lovino. Next was Francis and Arthur having what looked like was a small bicker, plus behind them was Elizabeth and Katyusha. Then the final guest to arrive were Ivan and Yao.

As anyone could expect things were a little hectic with so many people. Especially since it was the nations.
Things kept happening left and right. Like from the moment Francis walked in he ditched whatever little squabble between he and Arthur to immediately awe over how cute little Victoria was. He spent a lot of time gushing over about her, mostly that she'll grow up to be as beautiful as her let pépé.

Whatever moment Francis wasn't around reacting at his granddaughter. Alfred was trying his best to become the best uncle because, "first impressions count." And by first impressions. It actually meant loud impression, he was more than determined to show Victoria that he is a hero. But like the fun uncle,

Ludwig was a different story. He spent most of the time a bit on edge. Quite adorable, Ludwig was absolutely nervous about meeting his niece. The German was very well aware of how intimidating he could be to people. And the last thing he wanted to do was scare the little thing. Eventually he managed to approach her and she wasn't scared at all, in fact it made everyone's heart melt when she was happy to see her uncle and reached to hug him.

Everyone else did their thing. Each having a moment to meet the new little personification. heck, Yao happened to be so happy he offered to watch her when ever they needed a responsible nation to watch their child. As stated by Ivan, Yao loves children and wouldn't hesitate to take care of one even if it was babysitting.

Other than that, it was mostly as calm as you can get with these nations. Making everyone have a grand ol' time.

~~~(one year later)~~~

You know, since these two have a child now, it makes sense for them to go to the park and run around. Yeah that's exactly what they did.

At their local park Matthew was with Victoria running around the playground without a care in the world. They were kind of going back and forth in a mini game of tag. All fun and games.

As for the Prussian nation, he was sitting back on the bench talking it up with all the other mom's there. He was a bit of a sucker for gossip. It was all clear that he was a dad who told care of things around the house like  housewife. Let me tell you all the moms there were such nice respectful women.
Then that one mom. Was all like, "So where's your WIFE?"
The other moms tried to I stop this, "Karen please don't start with this."
"Shut up, Rhonda! I want to know know who his wife is!" Karen had a bit of a snooty voice.
Now, Gilbert ain't having none of that!
"Well, my HUSBAND, is over there playing tag with out lovely little daughter." He pointed over to his family. It made him smile to see them so happy.
But that smile was instantly loss as Karen was all snooty about it like some homophobic mom. She snooted her nose away, yelling how gross it was.
As for all the other mom's, they were okay with Gilbert having a husband. And in an act to get apologize for the rudeness, they all nagged Karen to get loss. Her company was obviously longer welcome.
After the rude woman got her child and left all the apologized themselves for Karen's actions. As well as introducing themselves to the Prussian.

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