fourty one.

95 11 5

My home.
I came home to a warm bed, every night.
I came home to see you, make me my favourite food, every night.
I came home to my favourite show on netflix, and popcorn with just the right amount of butter.
I came home to the most beautiful person, with the warmest heart and the softest hands.
someone who would take all my pain way with one kiss.
and I gave it all up.
for what? fame? money?
i decided to move away, even though my heart was screaming, 'don't leave your home.'
I went against my heart.
packed my bags, with you in the background drowning yourself in soft sobs.
when I was about to leave, I could physically feel two hands pulling my feet back.
But it wasn't you.
you just stood there with the saddest smile on your face, and said
'you and me till the end. I will be here when you get back.'
now, when I come back to this place,
I realise that I neither have you or this house.
reality hits me,
I lost
my home, the minute I walked out that door.

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