twenty eight.

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we were one.
our hearts beat to the same drum.
our eyes look for the same sight.
our lips yearn for the same kiss.
our ears long to hear the breath of one another.
you were mine.
I was yours.
after spending so many wonderful years with you, I've not only become a part of you but I've become you, in a way.
our love is not the cheesy kind, like finishing each other's sentences or something like that but rather, having the maturity and the security around each other, always wanting to put the each other's ends before putting ours.
I might not have said I love you first, but I assure you, I will say I love you, until the very last breath leaves my body.
for, you are me.
and I am you.
and when I or you die, we die.
always and forever, together.
in death and in life.
to infinity and beyond.

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