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do you know?
do you know how much that small smile on your face, means to me?
do you know what I'd do, to make you happy?
do you know, what you do to me, with the most simplest of actions?
just by simply existing.
you are the most beautiful person i've ever laid my eyes on.
my heart beats out of my chest, everytime you walk into a room.
i run out of breath and I begin to doubt every word that is going to come out of my mouth.
I end up praying, begging god to let me look casual to you,
even though, I'm a nervous mess every time you breathe in the same air as me.
all my friends know how much you mean to me, the people around us know how much I love you.
but, do you know?
how much I love you?

bittersweet amour.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora