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I believe in destiny.
when I was young, I always used to wonder, who decides who my parents are?
why am I living in this country?
why am I a boy?
all of that.
I've never found the answers to these questions, until one day, you walked into the coffee shop and straight into my heart.
That moment, I believed, that this was destined to happen.
destiny, something which is meant to happen, simply because it's written in the stars.
It was destined for our eyes to meet.
It was destined for us to let our hearts fall in and out of love.
Well, at least yours did.
It was destined for you to break my heart.
you've given me a million things, but why can't I ever move past the fact that you so effortlessly, left my life?
maybe, we just blame it on destiny.

bittersweet amour.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora