twenty six.

114 13 1

I was forbidden to love you.
'there's no way a boy like me, can like another boy.
girls don't kiss other girls.
it's not okay to like you.'
I was brought up, in a household as such.
a home where homosexuality had no place at the dinner table or in my parent's hearts.
I didn't care about all that, because I've always only liked girls, that is until I met you.
I don't know, what changed. what made me fall for you.
you were new, exciting.
someone I could be myself with, no exceptions.
at the moment, I couldn't imagine my life without you.
we were young, enthusiastic, so full of life.
it was a love which was forbidden, but that's what made it all the more sweet.
but, it didn't last long, because while I was falling in love with your soul and the way your eyes sparkle when you see something which excites you, you were busy, crushing the very last piece of my optimistic soul.
kissing a girl.
and you said the one thing which broke my heart the most,
"I only liked you, because my parents didn't want me to.
I've always liked girls."
that moment, my world came crashing down, after that, I was never able to open up my heart to anyone.
because, you only wanted me when I was forbidden.
that's the thing about want,
we always want what we can't have.


This incident DID NOT happen to me, it is simply a fictional work and I just wanted to test the waters with this one. I hope you guys liked it. Even though this hasn't happened to me, I could relate in a weird way to the people it has happened to, because I happen to be bisexual.
If you're one of these people, be proud of who you are.
love who you want.
boys can kiss boys.
girls can kiss girls.
boys can kiss girls.
girls can kiss boys.
love is equal.

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