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To all the readers;

All characters and events in this book are not true and was made by my creative mind in short -- the characters are all fictional. This book is written for readers who like fictional and teen relatable stories.

I, the author of this book can assure you, the reader that any of the ideas and events written are my own and are a result of the way in which my dysfunctional mind interprets a particular situation and concept and writes about them. I would likely express to all of you that all of my writings are not meant to take all credits and/or change anything I researched about what Paradox is. All the facts from this book will always be credited.

Any comments found here in my story are the opinions of readers and authors here in Wattpad. Therefore, I the author cannot be held responsible for the fact that the minds of the readers or authors may just well be as dysfunctional as my own. If not more- and it is not a practice of my own to report any criticizing comments left here by others for it will serve as a encouragement for me to do my best in writing my story.

If you (readers) find anything harmful, offensive, sensitive, typo errors- I request that you can message me here on Wattpad so I can do something about it. I would like that all of you can enjoy my story without any problems.

Thank you so much! And enjoyu reading my story!♡️

cover by sereneur ♡️

Paradoxical GirlWhere stories live. Discover now