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Our Denial, A Paradox

There exist a place of such magnificence,
Where treasure holds true and knowledge holds you,
An endless map lays in evidence,
A puzzle to be construed, discovery is due.

Such amazement detoured from fascination of being.
Lost by a cause much of selfish than is known,

An illusion blankets every sight of feeling,
A life of false freedom and conformity
We are owned.

To discover these riches of what lies before,
Vacant ourselves of all inculcation encountered,
Remove the credence of what have been stored,
Leave nothing else to be accounted.

Reform thyself from the programs of thought
Then all that is left is nothingness reaching,
For all the wars that each of us fought,
Withered away in peace from the resolve we are seeking.

~ Fariq Yusoff ~

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