Lifeline (Otis x Olympia)

Start from the beginning

"Hey," he greeted simply, but for the first time she detected the brokenness in his voice.

"Otis, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." He wasn't about to let her know about his problems, even if they were eating him up inside.

"Come on, Otis, I can cheer you up-"

He abruptly cut her off as he stood from the chair he was sitting on. "It's not going to work, Olympia. Not this time." He sulked away as she stood there a bit in shock.

He finally had had the last straw, and decided to call the Odd Squad hotline for anxiety, depression, etc. that evening.

"Hello," he asked.

"Hi," a cheery voice chirped from the other line.

"I, uh, need help..." He felt extremely awkward, even though him and the other person was anonymous.

"What seems to be the problem?" Their positive attitude wasn't helping.

"I have anxiety," he mumbled, guilt flooding his body.

The person waited patiently for him to continue. "I thought I could handle it, but it just seems to get worse every day. I don't want to tell anyone. People have enough theories about me already... It just hurts so much, and I don't know how much more I can take... I feel like I'm the only kid with this problem."

The line was still silent, and his heart leapt with fear that they had hung up. "Aren't you supposed to say something," he hesitantly asked.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, but you're not alone. Odd Squad is like one big family!" Their cheery tone was back.

"Look, I don't care if Odd Squad is a place, "where everyone belongs." My problem isn't about that. It's about having something that affects my every day life, that no one ever talks about themselves," he explained.

The mystery person sighed. "Look, I have anxiety too..."

"What," shot out Otis in complete shock. Wait, were they supposed to share their own problems? He felt hope spark inside though that he might not truly be alone.

"I go to work every day acting as happy as possible, but the truth is... My heart's usually beating funny, and that's how I cover it up. Plus, if you act happy long enough, you kind of start to believe it..." For some reason he could picture them shrugging on the other end.

Otis's heart then did less flutters as it finally calmed down. "Olympia?" He knew that voice sounded familiar

"Uh, how did you..."

He cut in though again. "It's me, Otis."

She was stunned into silence, so he sighed before speaking instead. "I would know your voice anywhere."

"I don't know what to say," she admitted.

"You don't know what to say?" She could hear his smirk through the phone.

"I know, I never stop talking." A smile had broke through just then for a moment. "But, Otis, I had no idea about your anxiety. Why didn't you ever tell anyone?"

"Why didn't you," he questioned back.

She sighed before answering, "Fine. You got me."

"So, what now? Am I cured?" Otis just felt weird about the whole situation, yet calmer than he had in ages.

"Is your heart still beating fast," she inquired.


"Are your palms sweaty?"

"Did you know..."

"Hey, it's not unusual for people's hands to sweat when they're nervous," she pointed out.

"Fair enough." He gripped the phone tighter, suddenly feeling as though she was his lifeline.

"I guess I better go now. You're cured," she awkwardly responded.

"Wait," he called. "You make me feel better, Olympia. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

She smiled weakly before replying, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner too, Otis."

"Would you want to come over...," he trailed off uncertainly.

"Are you kidding me? Yes! I've always wanted to see your house," she shouted enthusiastically through to the receiver.  

"Okay, I'll see you then," he said seriously, but she had already hung up in her hurry.  She was able to leave early, since there were quite a few people working on the hotline that evening.

Once she got to Otis's house, he led her over to the black, leather couch, both of them sitting pretty close side by side.

Soon the clock was chiming midnight, but Otis caused them both to blush as he pulled her to him.

"What is it, Otis?" Her cheeks were flaming.

"I don't like being alone...," he awkwardly stammered.

She weakly smiled in response. "Me either."

"I feel better when you're here..."

"Me too," she agreed, and in the next moment she had wrapped her arms around his neck, cuddling the broken boy that had mended her as well.

With their faces on fire, and their hearts racing they had never felt more at peace. Who knew that they were more alike than they realized? Who knew that they had unknowingly saved each other? Eventually they fell asleep in each other's arms, and their hearts were in perfect sync, not a drop of anxiety in sight.

A/N: I know I said I would be having happier one shots, but this is one of the last ideas I've had recently for a sadder one. I have anxiety, so that's what inspired this. Plus, "In My Blood," by Shawn Mendes was also a main inspiration. 

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