Eijirou really hoped, sleeping at Denki's place would grand him a dreamless night...how wrong he was. The ash blond pursued him again in his dreams. Again they were in the training room and kissed. Like that day, Eijirou was feeling the other's hands at his sides, gasping softly. In his dreams, he was too happy to surrender, as their kiss ended and he heard them...the three words that made his heart beat faster: "I love you." After Bakugos words his dream continued and become one of the most passionate things he ever had. It felt so intense, that Eijirou thought, it was real.

Of course, the redhead was accordingly agitated when he woke up in the morning and noticed the bump in his pants. With a heavy sigh he had gone to the bathroom and showered there briefly cold, before he changed and marched into the kitchen, where Denki had already had breakfast and also prepared something for him.

"Breakfast is ready," said the blond man, but Eijirou just waved off. "Thanks, man, but I'm not hungry..." Devoted sighed Denki. "Let me guess: another dream of him?" A nod was all the blond guy got. "I'm gonna take off too. Thanks for letting me sleep here, bro," he said, stalling Denki. He pressed his against Eijirous and said goodbye to his friend who was on his way home. It didn't help...he'd have to face his feelings whether he wanted to or not.

However, he didn't expect to have to face the whole thing so early, because just as he entered the house, the blond guy crossed his way. Eijirou felt his heart beating up to his throat, the heat in his cheeks as he immediately thought again of the pictures of that day and looked like a pillar when Bakugo looked at him. He didn't say anything, he just looked at him intensively, it seemed that he wanted to read what was going on in the redhead and that made Eijirou more nervous.

"Y...Yo, bro," he tried to greet him and was shocked at how insecure he sounded. Bakugo didn't miss that either and raised a brow. Before Eijirou could react, the blond had grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the cellar, where he pressed him against the wall with his hands next to his head, so that Eijirou had no escape route. The redhead became more nervous, his stomach threatened to explode and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest when the blond opened his mouth and spoke to him. "What the hell is wrong with you, Shit-Hair?"


Katsuki had spent the days worrying about what had happened between him and Kirishima. They had kissed and if it had been up to him, much more would have happened. Why? Why had he been willing to go this far...to get his defense down this way? Why didn't he get enough of Kirishima and why the fucking hell did he miss that weirdo now?

He didn't understand his own feelings completely. He only noticed how everything slipped out of his hands and how he lost control of his thoughts and feelings not to mention his actions. That pissed him off. There was nothing worse for the blond than losing control. To have no control meant to be weak....and Katsuki had sworn never to be weak again in his life. Never lose control to others and yet he's losing it again. Fuck it!

He drove through the ash-blond hair and sighed heavily. Besides his unknown feelings there was also the strange behavior of the redhead, that makes him worry. He seemed to avoid him explicitly and it seemed difficult for Kirishima to find words when he spoke to him. Also there were this words, the redhead spoke at this evening. "Not like that..." the words of the redhead echoed in his head.

//Why the fuck is everything running out of my fucking control right now? Damn it!// It got on his nerves and asked himself honestly why these words irritate him so much. Was the little shit in love with him? How could he? Katsuki had never given him any reason to fall in love and...why did that even bother him? Why did he want to know that so badly? What would he do with that knowledge and the fuck would he not mind, if Kirishima was in love with him?

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