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Update: today will be the day that I punch my dad in the face and steal his car.

I awoke to the sound of my dad coughing in the other room. Probably from all of that weed he smokes and shit. The apartment never smelt clean or fresh at all. Noah's house at least had air that you could breath.

I sat up with a horrible headache. "Jesus." I mumbled to myself as I held my head. I eventually managed to stand up, and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror at my ugly face. Not just because I had a horrible bruise on my left cheek, but aside from that; I had horribly ugly brown hair, there was a strip that was still light light, pink from when I died it when I was twelve, it never all came out. I was as thin as a stick, with no muscle. I had no boobs at all, and my freckles. I. hate. my. freckles.

Noah said I should be a model.


I would never be able to walk straight in high heels anyways.

When I was ten, I used to stuff socks in my bra to make it seem like I actually had boobs. All the other girls were doing it. I felt like I had to fit in. When I was thirteen, I used to hide under the covers with sleeping pills. I gulped that shit down like it was candy. I chuckled at my thoughts of being a child. I was really stupid too. I used to walk into bus poles. But, to be fair, I do that now too.

I called Noah right away, remembering what my plan was. I was dying to tell him.
"Noah!" I whisper-yelled into the phone. "What." He said groggily. "Can you come over? Dad's leaving for work in like five minutes so he won't see you." I spoke out of breath. "Hmm." The boy hummed a "yes". I suspected he had just gotten up.

Update: Noah doesn't know how to open a basic window. Funny.

"Noah do you not know how to open a god damn window?" I giggled as I held it open for him. He hopped inside, slightly stumbling over. "Sorry." He said with embarrassment. "So." I sat on my bunk bed happily. "So what?" He scratched his head. "Today we will run away together Noah Schnapp." I stated. "W-What?" His eyes widened. I nodded confidently. "Ugh Millie." He rolled his eyes. "C'mon Noah, it'll be fun. I promise we will have a good time. Think of it as, vacation." I explained, grabbing his hands. His expression soon changed. "What the fuck happened to your face?" He ran his soft thumb along my left cheek where my dad had hit me. "It's nothing." I walked back into my bed. "It doesn't look like nothing." He argued. "Then stop looking." I tried changing back the subject. "Not until you tell me what happened to your fucking face!" He raised his voice. "I'm not your child that you have to babysit all the time Noah," I argued. "I know I know," he began. "I'm sorry."

"I just .." I stopped my sentence.

Aw shit.

My body started shaking as I flopped back onto the bed where I sat. "Mills?" Noah grabbed my head from under. "Shit." I heard his faint voice as I lay there like a helpless piece of shit.

Yup. It was happening.

I was having another one. A seizure.

My eyes rolled back into my head as my arms and legs shook like a worm in water. "It's okay Mills, I got you." I heard Noah talking to me as he supported my head.

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