Chapter Nineteen: Part 2

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Emilia's POV:

Once again we were off, riding in the breeze heading towards the motorway by the looks of it but i didn't question it. Like before we kept quiet since i couldn't hear him through the roar of the engine and the wind howling, this time my eyes were open and looking at the view to where we were heading. After about half an hour on the motorway he turned and we were heading in direction of a diner, an old fashioned one that kinda reminded me of the one he took me to the first time.

Once he parked the bike he hopped off and helped me off since i stumbled once again, he's not going to let that go. Dylan put his arm around my waist and we headed in direction of the entrance and as we entered the top of the door had a small bell and dinged, there was barely anyone here but i don't mind,

"Lunch for two," Dylan told the waitress, she looked around twenty something and had long brown hair and green eyes. The waitress nodded and smiled,

"Sure, follow me and i'll take you to your table." she told us in a friendly tone and looked at us in.. admiration, 

We followed her with Dylan's arm still wrapped around my waist, once we reached the table, she told us to take a seat and handed us a menu,

"I recommend the burger and fries from here, they are the best." Dylan told me with that heart stopping smile, which i returned back shyly and i'm sure my cheeks are pink from blushing,

"Um, sure." i said shyly, "i'll have what you have." i told him, 

"Have you decided yet?, oh and i'm Emma, i should have said that first," she laughed lightly, looking at both of us with a small smile,

"I'll have..." i started only to be cut off by Dylan,

"We'll have the regular lunch deal, the one with the beef burger and fries. I'll also have the large coke for the drink and she'll have a large choc-banana thick shake." he told her, she noted all that down,

"Hey!! you remembered." i exclaimed with a smile, i ordered the choc banana thick shake at the first diner he took me to when he kidnapped me,

"Of course i remembered," he told me, with a light laugh,

Emma also laughed lightly, "You guys are a cute couple, you don't see many our days do you." she smiled a genuine smile at the both of us and i blushed for the millionth time today, "is that all you'll be having today," she asked and we both nodded,

"Well this is only our first date, and i wanted to make it special for her. And no that will be all for today," he explained to her and she nodded in admiration, 

"Ok, well i'll go put your order through and be back when it's ready." she smiled and left our table to put our order through,

"She was nice," i voiced my thoughts as she walked off and Dylan nodded in agreement,

"Hey! i was just wondering..." he nodded for me to continue, "Why did you brake into my room the day we met? like i know you told me that you were hiding from someone, but who and why?" i questioned curiously,

He was silent for a moment before he answered, "Well it's a long story..."

"Here is your meal," Emma said placing down our food order and coming back with our drinks, "Enjoy." she smiled and walked back to the cashier,

"We have time," i told him and he nodded,

"Ok, well it started off with me going to a party, a friend's party that is. Anyways, everyone was drinking but i only had a few that night, it was late but i ended up in a fight with some guy, he punched me cause his girl decided to dance with me and of course i wouldn't turn down a girl,"

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