Chapter Nineteen: Part 1

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(A/N: I have never been on a date, so i don't really know what one is like, so hopefully you guys like this chapter.)

Emilia's POV:

Letting out a small yelp as we took off, i heard Dylan chuckle. Feeling the breeze on my back and holding on super tight to Dylan's abdominal, i may have opened my eyes once or twice but the third time i kept them open, riding a motorbike isn't as bad as you think it's pretty awesome if you ask me. We were passing all these trees and i'm guessing a forest, maybe even the middle of no where, but i didn't ask obviously i couldn't really hear with the helmet on and over the loud engine along with the breeze. After about i don't know an hour i'd say, we arrived at some sort of park except this park has carnival rides so some kind of festival. I smiled at that, i really did love festivals i used to go with the family when i was younger,

I heard the engine turn off and Dylan got off first, "Need help sweet cheeks?" he asked with that cute smile of his that i just adored,

"Nah i should be..." just as i was saying that i stumbled forward trying to get my right leg over the seat, Dylan having quick reflexes caught me before i fell face firs, he chuckled and i laughed, "Maybe i do," i said alittle embarrassed and i felt heat rush to my cheeks at that, covered by the helmet luckily. Once i was off the bike and helmet free, my hair was alittle frizzy from wearing the helmet but who cares. 

Dylan led us towards the ticket booth and purchased two wrist band ticket thingys and headed in the grounds. The festival was filled with family's, little kids and couples. It was packed but not really. Stalls were on both sides of the entrance whether it was sweets, food, games or stalls just selling little things. 

"So this is the part where we get to know each other better," Dylan said and i smiled slightly,

"That is what a date is," i laughed lightly, and rolled my eyes playfully,

"Ok..." he paused while he thought of something, "do you have any other siblings other than Ash?" he asked and i shook my head,

"Nah, just Ash unless you count Parker as a brother." 

Oh shit, did i just... oh, oh goodness this isn't good, he didn't know Parker was more like my brother. Crap. 

"Parker, as in your ex Parker?" he questioned and i looked down at the ground, oh great maybe i should tell him, but... i'm just going to tell him,

"Uh Dylan... i kinda have to mention something," i started,

"Sure," he said and nodded for me to continue,

"Well you have to promise not to get mad or anything first cause i don't really want to ruin the day for us and everything." he nodded,

"I promise i won't get mad," he told me in a promising tone and then i continued,

"Let's just make this long story short..." i gulped, "Me and Parker only, well you know were a couple because he... we... i... tried to make you jealous." i said really fast, "but it wasn't my idea i swear," i babbled, 

and shit i wasn't suppose to mention that either... crap, crap, crap.

While i said all that i didn't even look at him, i kept my eyes straight ahead or on the ground.

"Not that it matter's now, but i never really liked him... like that anyways." he stayed silent and we were standing in the middle of the walkway, i shyly looked up at him and his expression wasn't one too happy if you ask me, "please say something," i whispered, now i really regret telling him seeing the look in his eyes,

"You what!!" he said quite loudly making a few people look at us, his expression turned from confused to anger to jealousy to one i couldn't recognize, 

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