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The mysterious red hooded vigilante had made his first debut in the Starling City news last night, he stopped a bank robbery. I sat on my couch after my long day at work fiddling with the necklace that Oliver had given me being extra careful not to tap the pendant as I didn't want to send a distress signal and be the girl that called wolf. Taking my hair out of a bun and letting it fall around my shoulders I thought about that old story parents would tell their children; The boy who called wolf. It was too much of a coincidence that when that man held me at gun point the moment I touched the pendent the red hood appeared. Oliver was the red hood. I reached for my phone quickly to send Oliver a text but before I could send anything I took a long hard think, Oliver would just deny it if I asked him or pushed him to tell me. I'd have to find out on my own.

I put my boots back on and grabbed my trench coat to help me battle against the autumn winds of the city. I walked to my work knowing Oliver would have been staying late, I waited for him to get into his car before calling a taxi and telling him to follow the car in front of us.

Oliver's car stopped out the front of his sisters club; The Verdant. I paid the taxi driver his fair before following Oliver deep into the night club. He left the large crowd of drunk people and went to a much quieter part of the club. He turned a corner sharply and quickly I followed doing the same to my surprise finding he had disappeared. "What are you doing?" His voice sounded from behind me.

"Shit" I muttered to myself before turning around to face him. "I know who you are" I said. He looked around to make sure the coast was clear. "You know for a vigilante your not very sneaky, handing me a necklace that sends distress calls and then the second a need to use it you show up as the Red Arrow" I said crossing my arms.

"Victoria I'm not the Red Arrow" He said holding my shoulders looking me deep into my eyes. "You're a trusted friend so I think you deserve to know this but you've got to trust me he said" I nodded my head agreeing with his terms. He undid his tie and tied it around my eyes so I couldn't see where we were going, in that instant I felt him swoop me off my feet. We were moving. I felt the drop of an elevator and we began to move again he put me back on to my feet and took the tie off my face. "I'm the Green Arrow" the room was an arsenal full of bows and arrows. I dark green suit hanging on a manikin accompanied by its green bow and arrow.

A woman with blonde hair tied back into a uniform poling tail sat in a rather comfy office chair while she was surrounded by monitors. "Oliver, good your back!" She said turning around in the chair. Too her surprise I was there "woah! Your not Oliver" she said pointing to me. It was Felicity I can't believe she knew about this.

"Felicity?" I looked at her shocked that she was here. "You know about this?" She nodded her head before quickly looking at Oliver for some sort of explanation.

"She was about to find out, I would rather bring her down here myself just in case Diggle was down here and tried to attack her" he explained. "Look around, don't touch anything" he said to me as he and Felicity has their own matters to attend too at the computers. I walked around the lair that Oliver had been keeping secret, not too far away from the green hooded suit was the red suit. I studied its every detail from the crisscrossed stitching down the chest and arms to the ombré of the fabric.

"Who's the Red Arrow?" I spoke up looking over at the pair. Felicity didn't respond but she looked up at Oliver waiting for him to speak knowing that it wasn't up to her wether I found out or not.

"That's one thing I can't tell you" Oliver said "any other question I'll happily answer, just not that one. It's not my identity to reveal" he said stopping himself from saying anymore to guarantee that he wouldn't give anything more away about the mysterious man in red. I sighed in response returning my gaze back to the suit, who are you? I thought to myself the question lingering on my mind like a song you can't get out of your head.

"I want you to train me" I said again looking over at Oliver specifically. "I want to do what you do, look out for the people I care for" Oliver just looked at me like I was a kid with big dreams. I already knew the answer would be no. "I could use my powers to help the people of Starling" I argued.

"I'm sorry Victoria, it's too dangerous out there for you" He said "you wouldn't last one night on patrol, you have your whole life ahead of you. I won't get you entangled into this mess, I can't risk your life" He replied shaking his head.

"Then teach me how to survive, teach me how to be like you. I'm a very capable women Oliver, capable of things you can't even begin to imagine. I've got nothing to lose." I said fighting for my argument, this meant more to me then anything in the world. I would finally be able to get back at the people that killed my mother and protect others from what happened to her and my family. "I may look like your average five foot four assistant but I can do a lot more damage then you know possible"

I didn't wait for Oliver's reply I walked out of the facility and returned back to my apartment. I was going to help this city wether Oliver approved of it or not.

Ahhhh! I love my girl Victoria, she's probably one of the most badass characters I've ever created. I really hoped that you all liked this chapter, I also created a playlist for this fan fiction it's at the very top of the book before chapter 01. I'm also thinking of doing chapter headers like the one on here so please let me know what you think of that, I'm always trying to find new was to spice up my look. Also what do you think of Victoria wanting to become a vigilante? Please let me know in the comments as always, follow, add to a reading list and vote I appreciate you all so much have a lovely day or night wherever you may be in the world!

Notice- If Grammer seems odd and incorrect it probably is, I will go back and edit when I'm done writing the whole thing.

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