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You'd think working for a multi-million dollar company would be amazing, well unfortunately you'd be wrong if you thought it was amazing and magical. It's just all bells and whistles. My mother raised me to be a strong, independent woman and that one day I'd be the CEO of Queen Consolidated or better; own my own business. However that's not exactly how my life panned out. I'm still in my 20's, live alone in a shitty apartment, single and I'm an assistant. I'm meant to be turning 25 tomorrow, I know what you might be thinking. Oh what will you spend your big 25th birthday doing? Well my answer to you is I'll be fetching Oliver some coffee at 9am in the morning, I know exhilarating.

I walked into the office with three coffees in hand; almond milk iced latte for Felicity, standard double shot cappuccino for Oliver and the final coffee, a skinny tall caramel latte for myself.

"Good Morning, Tori" Felicity smiled as I handed her the coffee.

I totally forgot to introduce myself, I would have done it early but it seems cheesy and that's not my style ya know? Imagine if I just dropped this introduction onto you: 'I'm Victoria Evans' like how boring is that. No one cares about that. Anyway moving on...

"Morning, Felicity. How's Mr Queen this morning? Not too grumpy I hope" I laughed whilst crossing my fingers in a sarcastic way before entering his office.

"You're late" He said without turning to face me. Looks like he's grumpy this morning, great.

"I'm sorry Mr Queen, you know what the city is like in the morning. Not to mention the coffee line, you wouldn't believe..." he cleared his throat cutting off my sentence "sorry" I apologised.

"Victoria, you're one of my best assistants however your time management lets you down. You can redeem yourself, I need someone to go to Central city for me tomorrow. I know it's your birthday but it would mean a lot to me if you could be at S.T.A.R. Labs on behalf of me tomorrow night." Oliver said finishing his sentence with a sip of his coffee.

"I can go, I don't really celebrate my birthdays anymore" I smiled half heartedly. It was true. I didn't, not after my mother died. She got cancer a few years back when I first started working for Oliver.

"Great!" He smiled. I turned around about to head to my office before he stopped me once more "oh, and Victoria. You've been working for me for a year now, I think it's safe to say you can call me Oliver now" he said with that warm smile still plastered on his face.

I walked back to felicity's desk "so, how'd it go?" She asked.

"He told me to call him Oliver from here on out, I'm also going to Central City tomorrow to go see the particle accelerator" I knew felicity would have wanted to go to the opening night at S.T.A.R Labs, she was such a nerd for that stuff.

"You're so lucky, you know I would have killed to go to that!" she exclaimed with joy for me. "You'll have to tell me what it's like when you get back" she said clearly overwhelmed with excitement for the event.

I guess I was lucky, I was going to see something that would change our world as we know it. Maybe it won't be such a bad birthday after all.

*** Central City: 6PM Local Time ***

The plane ride was fairly pleasant coming into the city, Oliver is a good boss he made sure my seats where in business class even though it was just a 2 hour plane ride. I had already checked into my hotel room by 4pm and was just doing the finishing touches on my outfit. I slipped my earrings in before taking one final look in the mirror. My phone buzzed in it's clutch drawing my attention to it. It was a text from Oliver.

Oliver: There will be a limo out front for you in 5 minutes. They'll be a man named Roy there, his there to make sure you stay safe. Do me proud, Victoria.

I slid my phone back into the clutch before doing the final touches on my hair and make up. I wonder who this Roy person is. To be fair I don't need a body guard but apparently Oliver as a lot of enemies that would do anything to destroy him, I'd rather be safer then sorry.

Taking the elevator down from my room was a overall pleasant experience, the hotel was grand. Marble covered floors and pillars holding the beautiful architectural masterpiece together.

"Miss Evans" I was greeted as soon as I had exited the elevator. I jumped a little startled by the unexpected interaction. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he flashed a grin bright enough to light up the city. "I'm Roy" he introduced himself.

"It's okay, it was just very unexpected" I replied smiling back at him "I'm Victoria but Tori is fine". We exchanged in small talk as he led me to the limo out the front of the hotel. "Oliver doesn't bare an expense" I said still amazed by the beauty of the hotel.

"Only for the finest" he flirted opening the car door. I couldn't help myself but blush. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.

So I hope you enjoyed the first little chapter of my new Arrow fan fiction. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I would like to give a big thank you to fandomgal2003 for suggesting this fan fiction. So far I'm really enjoying writing it. I can't promise that they'll be fast updates but I will try to update as much as possible. Thank you everyone for your love and support. Feel free to message me about anything as I'm always down to hear your opinions, thoughts and suggestions or even if your lonely and wanna chat HMU.

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