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I lay rested in my bed, the sheets still draped around my body as if it was being photographed, small rays of sunlight littered the room. The peace was quickly interrupted by a panicked Roy banging on my hotel room door. "Victoria!" He yelled before attending back to his banging. I grown as a response to his behaviour as I roll out of bed. I felt... strange to say the least, like something was different about me. I walk myself over to the door rubbing my eyes before opening the door to see a fully dressed Roy Harper.

"I'm awake, I'm awake" I said sluggishly as I rubbed the sleep from my eye. "What time is it?" I asked noticing that the sun was at its highest and the morning coolness was nonexistent.

"It's 1pm, Tori" he said his tone frantic. "I've been trying to get you up for hours now, it's as if you were in some sort of concussion" he joked. Last thing I remember was going to sleep last night after Roy left my room yet I slept for 15 hours? It doesn't make sense. "I hope you fast when it comes to getting your shit together last minute because we have a plane to catch in 2 hours. I nodded my head before quickly packing my suitcase leaving out a spear pair of clothes that I would need to get changed into after my shower.

Roy waited patiently for me to wash my hair and style it in my room. He had already checked out of his room and collected all of his luggage. I quickly slid my dress on and grabbed my heels and stepped out of the shower. "How was that for record timing?" I joked throwing my night gown into my suitcase and zipping it up. "Ready to go?" I smiled at him lifting my suitcase off of the little stand.

"Here let me help you" he reached for my suitcase our hands touching for a brief second. I was overcome with the emotion of happiness and manliness. I pulled my hand away from his we were no longer in contact and the emotions disappeared. Shit, that was odd. "Is everything okay?" He asked furrowing his brows in concern.

I took a hard blink and shook my head "yeah, everything's fine. I'm just filling a bit ill" I lied. I had never felt something more odd in my life, in fact I've never felt those emotions beside happiness in my life.

"Okay well come on, we have a plane to catch." He smiled. "Are you one of those cool people who's eyes change colour?" He asked intrigued by my coloured eyes. "Blue eyes really suit you"

"Yeah I am" again with another lie. I've never had blue eyes in my life, what is wrong with me. I've never had anything this weird happen to me.

Shaking off the weird events of the late afternoon I looked into my compact to see if my eyes had returned back to the normal chocolate brown they had been my whole life and sure enough they had. Roy described them as a really intense blue, almost as if they were glowing. We took our seats in the plane and prepared ourselves for take off. "Did you hear about what happened to the accelerator?" Roy asked.

I took a moment looking up from my phone "yeah I did, tragic isn't it. God I hope no one was affected by it. Oliver must be so worried about us" I said remembering I forgot to text Oliver before we boarded the plane.

"Don't worry, one step ahead of you." He smiled shaking his phone in his hand "he watched the broadcast of your speech last night, he said he was very impressed" Roy said congratulating me on my job well done. I suppose I do represent Queen Consolidated fairly well. Not to be cocky or anything.

*** Star City 4:30pm local time ***

Roy dropped me back to apartment after the plane had landed. I fished for my keys out of my purse and unlocked my door as soon as I set foot through the door I saw a little card that had been slipped under my door while I was away. I opened the plain stark white envelope to reveal a simple white card with 'Thank You' written on the front of it in golden letters.

The card read:
Dear Victoria,

Thank you for representing me in Central City last night. You did an amazing job and I'd like to take you out for dinner tomorrow night to thank you and congratulate your success in representing Queen Consolidated.

From Oliver

I opened the card enough so that it could perch itself up on the counter top. Oliver was a good boss, he would usually do things like this for Felicity and I when we did a good job. I think that's why he runs such a successful company, he praises good work when it is needed. I have so much respect for Oliver not only as a boss but as a person, I can't imagine what he went through when he was stranded on that island for all those years and for him to come back and get straight back into work is just something that I think everyone should look up too.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I get a text message. It was a number I'd never seen before.

Unknown: Hi, I hope you got home safe ~Roy x

Thank god he said who he was otherwise I would have just had to block him like all of the other creeps that find my number. Being Oliver Queens PA came with its perks but it also came with a lot of creeps that ended up with my number. I unlocked my phone and replied to Roy's message.

Me: I'm home safe. Thank you for last night, I had a really fun time with you. Your not so bad after all :)

I locked my phone and put it on charge before rolling over in my bed. My apartment didn't exactly have walls, it was more of a studio apartment. Which wasn't bad don't get me wrong but sometimes it would be nice to be seperate from your kitchen.

I turned off the lamp and snuggled in for a good nights rest.

Hi guys, so I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry I ended it with her falling asleep because I did that last chapter not gonna lie I didn't plan this chapter out very well 😬😬 without any further slow downs please share my story with your friends or followers and give it a vote. I'm really trying to make this fan fiction successful. Love you all xx

Bullseye [Arrow Fan Fiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz