I don't know if I was being a pussy or over thinking things but even the way she kissed me this afternoon, it felt different. She didn't rush straight into sex like normal and she gave me so much eye contact which was unusual for her.

Normally she was like any other boy I was with..straight down to business and that was it but not today. She kissed me tenderly and touched me softly. She kissed my body in places she had never kissed before and told me how Beautiful I was when coming back up to meet my lips.

We were now holding hands as we walked towards some club. Yes she actually took my hand as soon as we left her and Harry's flat. I felt like I was in some sort of dream. I know it wasn't the first time we held hands but the other times we did, I was either scared of heights or she was marching me back to her flat to fuck me.

This wasn't the Lily I was used to and after a couple of minutes walking, she had even turned a whispered to ask was it ok whilst looking down at our hands. I couldn't stop smiling and all I could do was nod. As well as it being new to me with her being the first girl I was with in public, in fact ever. I knew this was the first time for her actually trying this sort of affection. We both just needed to learn from each other and I hoped it lasted longer than just being in London.

Lily had let me borrow her black and white crop top to go with my skinny jeans and boots I came over with. I caught her eyes on my exposed stomach a few times while we drank with Harry before we left and it made sense in her choice of clothing for me now. Lily had said it wasn't the type of club where you wore dresses and danced to Drake. She still looked sexy as hell in her wine coloured crop top and short black skirt. She looked hot, then again anything she wore made her hot but she looked like she had made more of an effort tonight with her hair half pinned up and a touch of light make up.

We walked down a dark narrow alley way towards the sound of loud music. Lily looked over at me while Harry continued on a drunken rant, this time about Politics. Something I had no interest in nor would I ever so I just returned Lily's smile and kept walking.

Lily's phone rang and I only presumed it was Donna when she answered with bitch and then was laughing as she said we were nearly there. The building was massive. It looked like an old factory and Lily was right. It didn't seem like a place where I could request the songs from the latest charts to be played. Harry's head began to bop when he recognised the music and he hummed along to the song being played inside. It just sounded like an out of tune rock band to me.

"Nikki" Donna squealed between the small crowds of people and gave me a hug. I dropped Lily's hand and placed my arms around her friend.

"Nice to see you again Donna" I replied when we pulled a part.

I noticed Rich who I had met the last time and gave him a quick hug. There were two other girls who stood looking at me and I could tell they were watching every move I was making.

"Nicole this is Roxy and Mandy" Lily said and I could feel her hand rub across my lower back when she stepped beside me. Both girls gave me a smile and a hello to which I returned. It was strange meeting Lily's friends over here. Her friends at home would know me as a slut or her younger sisters friend but over here Lily was more relaxed.

We made our way inside, following the queue of people and getting our bags and ID checked. Once inside I knew right away I didn't belong here. It smelt like sweat and weed. There were men and women drinking in groups along the crowded corridor leading up to the bar and band. Everyone had tops with the likes Iron Maiden, AC/DC or Def leopard. The only music T-shirt I had at home was Taylor Swift but somehow I didn't think this would be a place to wear it.

"Are you ok" Lily asked loudly as she leaned into my ear. I just nodded in return and her grip tightened around my hand when we walked towards the loud music.

I knew we were from two different worlds Lily and I but that didn't matter did it? We could still figure this out, I was sure of it. I still had that horrible thought in the back of my head about what would happen when Kim would find out us. I couldn't lose her friendship, she was so important to me but I also knew that Lily meant something to me too. We tried being apart and yet we always seemed to be back to square one.

I also worried about Shane. Would he keep his mouth shut about what happened between us if he ever found out and me and Lily. I knew there would come a day where I would have to tell both Lily and Kim about that night with Shane 3 years ago but I was so scared of what would happen afterwards. I didn't want to lose either of them over that jack ass who never meant anything other than a drunken hook up.

Lily laughed and sang along to the band while I'll just knocked back drink after drink. I tried to get the anxiety of all my secrets out of my head but it wasn't going away. It was like now that everything was finally working out with Lily and I, my head was fucking with me. Like it was trying to get me to come clean with everything that I had done in my past and I didn't know what the hell I was going to do. As for tonight I was just going to drink until I could block it all out and after numerous shots and double vodkas it soon did all begin to disappear...

Happy Friday 🤗

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