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It has been a couple Months since the fall of Beacon,Ozpin had disappeared,As Other teams disbanded or died..

The Reports had Issued out blaming one of it's Students For the Incident...They never said His Name,As he died without anyone Remembering Him..Except for one.

Blake had Reunited with her team,It was one Happy Reunion,Though as she looked at Ruby She saw Grief and Sadness In her eyes But attempted to hide it...

Feeling worried for her Leader she called her to a secluded place and made Conversation.

"Ruby....What's Wrong?" Blake Asked with Concern

"Wrong? There's Nothing Wrong,Why would you think there's something wrong?"  Ruby Sputtered out.

"Ruby....Be Honest with me,I'm here to help..." Blake assured her leader

"Well...It's just that,I feel like a Fool..." Ruby Fiddled with her thumbs.

"What for?" Blake Asked even though she somewhat knew the answer.

"Yang,Mom,Dad and Uncle Qrow finally told me what happened to Y/N a long time ago and why he suddenly disappeared..." Ruby's Eyes started to Glisten signalling Tears forming.

Blake kept Quiet for a moment before..

"Would You like to talk about it?" She patted her Leader's Shoulder.

Ruby nodded her head Slightly before Talking..

"Well I just woke up from bed..."


*Ruby's POV*

My Eyes fluttered open as I see the light.

It's been a few Days since the Fall of Beacon and News has it that Professor Ozpin had disappeared and some Students died..

And It's all because of my Stupid Lying Brother...

I told Dad already about the news as he only looked at me with Sad eyes.

Yang had her arm severed off,Pyrrha died,Team RWBY disbanded and Professor Ozpin disappeared also Beacon was Destroyed.. And It was all His Fault...

It was a good thing that the PILOTS HAD PREPARED AIRSHIPS AND ESCAPE ROUTES for the Students,It's like they knew this would happen..

I made my way into the Living Room as Dad Uncle Qrow Mom and Yang were sitting there..

"Ruby Sit down..."My dad Began.."It's time we told you the truth.."


I sat down As Dad Mom and Uncle Qrow Began to talk...I listened Carefully


"We were the ones who was a fault,Not him...We Just couldn't bring to tell you,We feared you hating us forever..." Dad finished...

I was crying,I had been mean to him all The Semester and I have never even Gave him a Chance...Maybe that's why He lies...Since no one Believes Him.

I felt bad..I felt Grief Anger and Sadness all at the same time.

"I- I could never hate you....But..You could have atleast told me earlier...." I cried "But I still don't forgive Him..."

They all looked at at me like I'm a Crazy Person.

"W-Why?" Dad Asked

"Because he was the Mastermind of this Whole thing....To Why Beacon Fell,And to Why My friends got hurt..." I told them.

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