Chapter 4

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*3rd Person POV*

With Nothing to Refute Y/N's Claims, She dropped him down and ran away.

Y/N started to cough Violently,But nobody cared.... Not that anyone has the heart to.

He Half Expected Atleast Ruby to care but she didn't she ran with her team trying to find their friend...

Y/N forced out a grin and stepped out the dorm,Knowing He did his Job but not feeling any satisfaction from it..

The Reason why he did it? Nobody Knows.

He walked back to his Room and lied on the bed

With the same grin on his face but.....they were quivering.

*Ruby's POV*

"UGH! a Member of the White Fang Right Under our noses!"Weiss huffed

This has been going on for awhile now,Weiss has been Stomping around the dorm,While me and Yang tried to calm her Hot head down.

But I wonder,How did Y/N know this?
He isn't even friends With Blake so...How?

Did he want this to happen to us?
Is this part of his."Supreme Leader of Evil" Schemes?

Yang was quiet too,Like she knew something I wanted to ask her but today isn't the time..

We went to bed worried sick for Blake,But I just realized that I never bothered to check on Y/N earlier..he's probably fine.

*Y/N's POV*

I was washing my Scarf,It got stained by my Drink,Grape Fanta really loves to stick on your clothes..

Quietly,I opened my door and stepped outside,And Snuck out of the school..

I went to a nearby forest here in Vale...You wanna know why??

Hahaha No You don't..

*Ruby's POV*

As soon as we got up from our beds,We got ready and dressed up Immediately.

We were in town,Looking for Blake

Weiss was telling us to call the Police,To which we turned down the suggestion immediately.

Then we ran into Roman and His Group we fought with him Then Penny came! We saw Blake and her friend there too.

She and Weiss Made up,Telling us she isn't with the White Fang anymore Because of their Change of Ways.

Then they suggested to go back to Beacon,But I said I'll stay behind to buy Cookies..

It started to Rain,Luckily I have my Umbrella with me as always..


I stepped out of the Cookie store,Munching it's contents..

The rain had become strong that it turned into a storm,With lightning crackling every now and then..

Alot of people were scurrying to their houses,I wouldn't blame them,Who would enjoy a fearful storm such as this..

I got back to Beacon not long after,I saw a figure standing there,I recognize that Messy (H/C)


He was just standing there,With his regular clothing on,Being soaked by the rain.

He doesn't have the same grin he usually presents himself with..

He looks so dull,Like all the Life is sucked out from him,I carefully Approach him as to not Startle him.

Once I got close to him,I called his name.

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