Chapter 0.5

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*Y/N's POV*

Darkness...this is what I'm seeing as of now,I'm pretty sure I'm still asleep

Then I see a Light,I know that light...It means I'm waking up.

"No...No! Don't wake me up! Let me stay asleep!"

But I'd had gone to the world of the living despite my protests
My eyes Fluttered Open to see myself in a Straight Jacket like Clothes,I panic abit since my neck Is exposed meaning my Scarf was taken,I looked around and saw it on a Nearby Table,I stood up to get it.

I heard a door Open,I flinched And Looked to where the door is to find a Man in some White Clothing,His Face was terrifying and he had a Grin that could Kill,I stepped back.

He Pulled out a Some kind of Advanced walkie talkie and Spoke into it.

"Subject 3091 is awake,Time for Operation"A twisted smile On his face was Present.

He stepped forward with intent to Catch me..

"Y'Know I expected a jelly to be delivered to me,But a Human is much Better to experiment on"He said sinisterly

I waited for the right moment and Punched him in the stomach I then ran...

I hid in different places so that they couldn't find me,Idiots...

I found an exit and bolted there,Sirens were heard but I didn't heed it and I just Ran and ran and ran to nowhere,anywhere but here.

*The Xiao Long/Rose Family POV*
*Takes Place after Y/N was just picked up by the truck*

Yang is smiling contently to herself while she went up the stairs to play with her little sister,Y/N was still Outside and wrapped in a box,Her mom and dad told her to do that for them,Because he was naughty and he lied again.

Her dad then Called her,She went to him and asked what's wrong

"Hey dad!"She greeted

"Hey Sweetie,Can You check on Y/N? I think he's had enough"Her dad Asked her

"Sure!"She agreed

She went outside to Check on her Adopted Punching Bag,And tried to find the box she put him in..

After a couple minutes of trying to find him she yelled for her Father

And of course her Father assuming the worst that maybe Y/N attempted to Hurt his Daughter he already Grabbed his Belt.

But was surprised to what they ended up seeing.

Yang was crying in desperation,They were confused and asked her what's wrong

"What's Wrong? Did Y/N hurt you?"Her Mom asked

Yang shooked her head and said between sobs

"Y-Y/N's Gone! The box That I put him in is Gone! I-It got Picked up by the mailman!"She said

The Letter kind of receipt only proved her theory right

Taiyang Immediately Called Qrow For help,Qrow Unknowingly Asking why he needed help to find his Unwanted Son

He seems taken aback by this,But pleaded still,Qrow soon Gave in and Agreed to Help.

Summer was still in her shocked state,Trying to convince herself everything is just a dream,that she was still asleep.

Taiyang tried to move her but she wouldn't budged...

Tears started to fall from her eyes as her mouth quivered,She couldn't say anything,How could she? She had been mean to her adopted son all these years,She couldn't ask for him back,She's done so much that she knows she doesn't deserve tk have him back..

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