Probably Partners Connor x punk!reader (Lemon/Smut)

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'God I hate my job.' I thought as I was sitting in the captains office, being reprimanded for something likely irrelevant. I stopped listening half way through. It's the same spiel every time I go on a case.

' You acted up again on company time. This is completely unacceptable. Now the DPD has to cover your tracks. You're getting sloppy, do I need to train you again? You've been with this company for at least five years. Blah blah blah...'

"And so that's why I'm giving you a partner."

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed, and I shot out of my seat.

"You heard me. You're getting a partner." The captain said again.

The sound rang in my ears. This can't be happening.

"Captain, I've worked alone for as long as I've been with this company! Why do I suddenly need a partner?!"

He just stared at me, like he was staring into my soul. I sat back down and collected my thoughts and listened intently to what his next words were.

"Because, (Y/n). You've been losing more ground than you've been gaining with these deviant cases." He said blatantly.

"What the hell, captain?! I'm literally the best deviant Hunter on this entire fucking team!" I yelled and jumped out of my seat again. I guess it was pretty loud, because a couple officers looked at the captains office. I smiled sheepishly at them and sat back down.

"Seriously though captain," I said, fixing my gaze onto him once again, "I don't need a partner. I'm fine." I stated.

"Too bad." He said simply.

I tossed my head back and groaned and he waved my new 'partner' in.

'I don't need a partnerrrr.' I thought. I sat back up straight and watched as an android entered the room.

"(Y/n), this is your partner." Captain said. I rolled my eyes as he walked toward the desk.

"Hi. I'm Connor, the Android sent by Cyberlife." The Android said.

I held my breath as he spoke. I know it's a programmed message and all, but that was literally the dorkiest thing he could have said. I snorted and smirked.

"Did I say something funny?" Connor asked.

I shook my head and looked back at the captain.

"And this is my partner?" I asked, which sounded more like a statement.

"Yes," he said, "And I expect you to treat him respectively. He is a prototype, and he can be replaced. But it's expensive, so avoid getting him hurt."

I groaned again and stood up. I was headed for the door when the captain caught me one more time.

"Oh, and he goes home with you! He doesn't have an area at the station, so he's your responsibility!"

I held a thumbs out while walking out of the office, Connor in tow. "Fucking asshole..." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Connor asked.

I just shook my head no, and walked to my desk. The chains on my platform boots clinked together as I walked, and my pleated skirt swayed side to side.

"Hey, yo punk bitch!" A familiar voice yelled. "Why don't you come on over here and show me what those boots are really for." Gavin said holding an imaginary girl and thrusting his hips.

"Oh, I don't think so. You would like it too much when I shove it so far up your ass, it comes out your mouth." I spat back and plopped down in my desk chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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