Circuits and Wires Connor x Dom!Reader [Lemon/Smut]

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I was in my lab/workshop thing, fixing another beaten android. I swear, people don't know how to treat these damn things. Everyone acts like they can just treat them like shit and get away with it, 'They're not humans.' And anyone who enjoys the company of their android or respects them in any way, people call you an 'android sympathizer'.

It's why I don't go out much anymore. I've become such an introvert and I'm always so caughtup in my work, I never have time to even think about going out.

"Aaaand, there." I said as I closed the panal to the wiring on a BV500. "Lets get you back online."

"BV500, System boot up."

Soon after I said that the androids eyes came to life, and scanned around its area.

"BV500 boot up complete." The android said, as its skin color began to regenerate. Putting his uniform top back on, he stood and held out a hand for me to shake.

"You're all fixed up, John. Now, keep out of the protesters way wouldya? This is the second time this month I've fixed you." I said, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Thank you so much again, (Y/n). I'll do my best to." He smiled and I chuckled. He started to walk out the front door of my house after coming up the basement stairs. I've made my basement very comfortable, as not to scare my patients or make them wary of their safety.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea. I don't have my own android, so I do all my things myself. I'm kinda stuck in the past. I pull out my version of an android. A samsung galaxy S9. I made an order to Cyberlife and hade them rush ship me some replacement parts, just so I can keep them in stock.

I sat on my couch, and turned on my television. Nothing good, as always. I filliped it over to the news, and watched as some sort of crime scene was being portrayed.

"DEVIANT SUSPECT IS AT LARGE..." Was flashing in the ticker below. With a sigh and an eyeroll, I turned it off. I hate that word. Deviant. So a machine develops human emotions because its basically programed to do that. What did you expect to happen?

A loud thunder clap came, and I jumped. Oh dear jesus, another storm? Great. I really hope that it doesn't cut the power. Otherwise my whole operation downstairs is screwed. I have a backup generator, but it only powers certain rooms. Like my my bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. And if it shuts down, all of my data downstaris will have to be recovered once were back up, which takes, like, three hours.

I looked out the window of my cozy home, the fire crackling in its hearth. The rain drizzled down my window, and the occasional car went by.

Upon finishing my tea, I brought my cup into the kitchen. As soon as I set my cup down, lightning flashed, sparks flew outside the window, and the power went out. Great.

A few seconds later, my backup generator kicked on, and I had light again. I walked back to my living room and was about to sit down, when someone knocked.

I walked to the door and a voice called out, "Ms. (L/n)? Are you home?"

I recognize that voice... I swung open the door and pulled Connor in from the pouring rain slammed the door shut and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Connor! Oh it's so good to see you!" I exclaimed as the wetness of his being began to sink into me. He wrapped his arms around me as well.

"It's good to see you too, Ms. (L/n)." He said softly.

I released him and said, "Now, what did I say about calling me that? Its too formal, just call me (Y/n)."

"Of course, Ms. (L.... (Y/n)." He said, catching himself.

Detroit: Become Human ||Connor One-shots / Lemons|| [Requests Closed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt